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Transcription of a letter
from Samuel J. Crawford, Jr. to John Close

4 September 1804
Breckinridge County, Kentucky

Dear Sir,

After every kind of respect to you informing you that I am well. I feel anxious to inform you that my Brother Mason and my self have contemplated to start about Christmas next on a trading Voyage to New Orleans. Our Calculations at this time is to laden two very large boats with living Hoggs of all sizes, but for fear our produce should not suit your country I think it best to apply to you for information. You will lay me under many obligations to you if you will inquire into the prices current of your country and communicate to me by the next mail a true statement, first what you think we can get for 200 hoggs, 200 lbs each, and then a statement of other produce such as we can send from this country. I had the pleasure of seeing an epistle from your hand to your sister and brother James Jennings which gave me great satisfaction to hear of making out well in that country and also to thiink that you are in the handsome business of making money. I have therefore thought proper to introduce myself to you as a friend and wish to join in partnership so as to carry on business to perfection for I think it best to always have a friend in a strange country. I have felt anxious for several years to take a voyage to the port of New Orleans and I think it probable I shall see it this winter and if I meet with encouragement I shall follow it a considerable time, for our trade is so dull at this time that if we do not turn out shortly we shall not be able to pay our county charges, therefore I thought it proper to come where people from that country, say money is more plenty that the chesnuts in Breckinridge. You will be so good as to communicate to me the prices of some of your articles suitable for this country such as Rum Wine, Shugar (sp) and some other articles for it is possible myself or some of company may wish to load a [__] from that port wish you also to inform me whether a forty ton barge suitable for coming up the river can be purchased in Orleans at short notice and what the prices will be and whether a sufficient freight to Louisville could be procured Your attending strictly to this business thoroughly will lay me under many obligations and oblige your most obt friend.

Samuel Crawford, Jun.

Mr. John Close -

NB I saw your sister a few days since and she and family are all well Mr. Jennings and family is well and all your friends severally well Brother Mason desires to be remembered to you and wishes you to send him a small episted by the first opportunity.

S. Crawford, Jr.

Mr. John Close

Breckinridge C.H., KY
September 4, 1804

Paid 25

Mr. John Close
New Orleans