Mr. John Close
November the 5 – 1825
By Tuesday I wile [sic] vacate your home. There is on the place 300 good fencing
stakes, and about 60 or 70 more serviceable ones. The plank in the house, the doors
hinges and Hooks, etc I will let you have at a low price (say 15$) as they will suit you better
than any one else. The 40 stakes I got from you are on the House. The remainder are mine;
as to the rails the fencing of the garden I have no pretensions to, the timber came of your
land. I am now ready to close a settlement with you at any place you think proper provided
on the terms of Equity and Justice, the time is now come to separate, let us separate in peace,
If you take the stakes you can count them if you think proper, or take the whole as they are. If
you do not wish to give the money for the stakes, etc, I will take on order on Mr.Louallar [?] as
invoice [?].
Yours etc.,
Anthony Montpelier
Addressed to:
Mr. John Close