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St. Bernadette
Kay Cee Auxiliary
Current Newsletter
January 2000

Dear Ladies,

        1. Congratulations to Bonna Lecompte who was chosen Sister of the month for November.

        2. Anyone wishing to go to the bowling tournament in Baton Rouge should contact either myself or Bonna. Deadline for registration is January 4, 2000.

        3. On January 6th we have our 4 Star District meeting. This is the meeting where all the Auxiliaries in the Houma Thibodaux area get together. This year it will be hosted by St. Joseph Auxiliary in Ward 7. If you need a ride call either Peggy at 876-2423 or Bonna at 876-1332. We will meet in the back of church at 6 P.M.

        4. January 7th is the first Friday of the month remember Adoration in the Chapel at St. Bernadette.

        5. Our first meeting of the new year will be on January 12th. At this meeting we will discuss our District meeting which will be held on January 26th at the KC Home. This meeting will be for District 7 only, which consist of St. Bernadette, St. Louis Bayou Blue, and Bishop John Newman. We will need gifts for the raffle.

        6. On January 18th we will having our social with the Knights. This is a pot luck meal so bring your favorite dish.

        7. On January 14th the family rosary will be said at the KC Home followed by the Home Assocation meeting. Start the new year off right by saying the rosary with us.

        8. January 16th is the Ladies Auxiliary Mass at 8:00 A.M. at St. Bernadette Church. If you would like to bring up the gifts please let me know.

        9. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Janet McCoy, Joan Colwart and Dot Porche for donating and fixing candy canes for Santa Claus. The children really appreciated them. Thank also to Eloise and Palmer Roessle for making the hot chocolate. Thanks also goes to Shonna and Timothy Portier, Carmen and Donald Chauff, Cullen Boudreaux and John Bergeron for serving and helping. I would also like to thank all ladies and the men who came and helped out at Catholic Social Services with the gifts from the Jesse tree. I know everyone I spoke to really enjoyed this and would be willing to do it next tear.

        10. We will have our first fundraiser game on January 2nd at Rainbow Hall starting at 6:00 P.M. We will need all the help we can get.

        10. I'd like to wish everyone a very Happy New Year and as we go into the year 2000 may all your dreams come true.

        Please pray for all our sick members and an end to abortion.

Sister of the Month
November 1999
Bonna LeCompte

Sister of the Year
Peggy Portier

This Month
Kay Cee Ladies
Elsie Champagne Daisy Chassion Helen Fredericks
Monita Gannon Bernice Ledet Louisa Lirette
Oris Parker Elizabeth Portier Joyce Tassin
Yvonne Waguespack

Peggy Portier
Ladies Auxiliary President
