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St. Bernadette
Kay Cee Auxiliary
Current Newsletter
April 2001

Dear Ladies,

        1. There will be no PoKeNo game this month. Since we will be having our meeting the day before.

        2. On April 12th which is Holy Thursday, the Auxiliary along with the Knights have been asked to attend the Adoration in the Chapel from 10 PM to 12 PM. Lets all try to make it at that time to spend an hour with the Lord.

        3. April 14th the Knights will have their Easter egg hunt at church. The Auxiliary decided because of poor attendance at the KC Home; we would help the Knights by providing boiled eggs for the event.

        4. April 17th will be a pot luck social at the KC Home at 7 PM. At our last one we had a very good turnout so lets keep the attendance up at the Socials.

        5. I would like to wish everyone a blessed and Happy Easter on April 15th.

        6. Ladies Auxiliary meeting will be held on April 4th at the KC Home at 7 PM. This is for this month only because of Holy Week.

        7. April 19th will be Father Vanderbilt 4th Degree pot luck social. Lets try to make that one also. We have a lot of fun at all our socials. So bring the whole family and enjoy.

        8. On April 25th the Auxiliary will have its yearly District 7 meeting at 7 PM. The theme will be Remembering your Childhood. We would like to have as many Auxiliary members attend as possible to come and join us. We will finalize the plans at our April Business meeting.

        9. Congratulations to Carolyn Songe who was chosen Sister of the Month for February. Carolyn does our telephone committee and takes care of the PoKeNo games each month.

        10. I would like to thank all the ladies who came out and helped sew Bibs for TARC and Sister Rosario.

        11. Happy Easter Ladies

        12. Please pray for all our sick members and an end to abortion.

Sister of The Month
July June Gonzales
August Bell Ardoin
September Laura "Mike" Rivette
October Bonna LeCompte
November Liz Portier
December Shona Portier
January Cheri Naquin
February Carolyn Songe

This Month
Kay Cee Ladies
Gloria Ayo Eunice Bergeron Rhonda LeCompte
Diana Songe Talamo

Peggy Portier
Ladies Auxiliary President
