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St. Bernadette
Kay Cee Auxiliary
Current Newsletter
July 2001
Happy 20th Anniversary

Dear Ladies,

        1. The Auxiliary would like to invite you to their Installation on July 7th at St. Bernadette Church after the 4 PM Mass. The banquet will follow in Herbert Hall. This is the Auxiliary 20th Anniversary.

        2. On Sunday, July 29th their will be a Spaghetti Dinner given by the Knights. We will need cakes and sweets from the Ladies.

        3. Installation of Officers, Saturday July 7th after the 4:00 Mass.

        4. Congratulations to Margaret Rhodes for being picked Sister of the Month for May 2001. She has been very active and has helped in many ways.

        5. Their will be Adoration in the Chapel at St. Bernadette Chapel from 12 Noon til 9 PM. Make every effort to spend at least a hour with the Lord.

        6. There will be no PoKeNo game this month due to the installation, also their will be no social due to the same.

        7. We will be setting up tables in Herbert Hall on Friday, July 6th at 6:30 PM. We will meet again on Saturday at 10:00 AM to finish decorating.

        8. Our next Business meeting will be held July 11th at the Home. Please make every effort to attend.

        9. The State installation will be on July 14th at the Larose Civic Center at 2 PM. Meal tickets will be $20.00 each. If you would like to attend please let me know so we can have a good turnout.

        10. July 31st will be Ladies nite out. We will be meeting at Miss Brandi at 5:30 PM.

        11. The Auxiliary Mass will be at 8:00 AM July 15th at St. Bernadette Church. If you would like to bring up the gifts let me know.

        12. Please pray for all our sick members and an end to abortion.

Sister of The Month
July June Gonzales
August Bell Ardoin
September Laura "Mike" Rivette
October Bonna LeCompte
November Liz Portier
December Shona Portier
January Cheri Naquin
February Carolyn Songe
March Joyce Tassin
April Oris Parker
May Margaret Rhodes

This Month
Kay Cee Ladies
Lisa Carlos Shelia Lebouef Bonna LeCompte
Cindy Pellegrin Eloise Roessle

Peggy Portier
Ladies Auxiliary President
