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St. Bernadette
Kay Cee Auxiliary
Current Newsletter
August 2001

Dear Ladies,

        1. The monthly Adoration in the Chapel will be Friday, August 3rd from 12 PM til 9 PM. Please try to give an hour of your time to the Lord.

        2. On July 14th myself, Bonna and Gary LeCompte traveled to Larose to attend the State Installation. Denesye Moore of West Monroe, La. was installed as President of the KCofA of Louisiana.

        3. August 2nd we will have our monthly PoKeNo Game at my house. If you would like to play call Carolyn Songe.

        4. Thanks to everyone who helped make our 20th Anniversary and installation a big success. Thanks to Cullen Boudreaux and the cooks for a delicious meal. Thanks to Cherie Naquin for making the invitations, Thank you cards, and my scrapbook. Donald Chauff for the placemats and everyone else who helped.

        5. Congratulations to Flo Landry chosen as Sister of the month for June. Flo is one of our active members.

        6. Congratulations to Shona Portier chosen Sister of the Year for the Auxiliary. Shona’s participation in all the Auxiliary endeavors in the past year won her this very deserving honor.

        7. Aug. 16th will be the 4th Degree social at the KC home. Come and join us for a pot luck meal.

        8. Aug. 18th is our first state meeting it will be held in Abbeville. Shona and myself are going. If you would like to come let me know by August 3rd.

        9. Aug, 19th is the Auxiliaries Mass at 8 AM at St. Bernadette Church. If you would like to bring up the gifts let me know.

        10. Aug. 21st is our regular monthly pot luck social at the KC home. Come and join us.

        11. Aug. 28th is the ladies night out. We will meet at La Casa by Kmart at 6 PM. Come and meet with the ladies for supper.

        12. We are now collecting dues for the coming year, they are $12.00 a year. Margaret Rhodes is our Membership Chairman, you can mail them to her at 439 Ann Carol Street Houma, La. 70360 —– Phone 872-0371.

        13. Please pray for all our sick members and an end to abortion.

Sister of The Month
July June Gonzales
August Bell Ardoin
September Laura "Mike" Rivette
October Bonna LeCompte
November Liz Portier
December Shona Portier
January Cheri Naquin
February Carolyn Songe
March Joyce Tassin
April Oris Parker
May Margaret Rhodes
June Flo Landry

Sister of the
Shona Portier

This Month
Kay Cee Ladies
Janice Armond Lorraine Boudreaux Jane Carlos
June Gonzales Juanita Rhodes

Peggy Portier
Ladies Auxiliary President
