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St. Bernadette
Kay Cee Auxiliary
Current Newsletter

Dear Ladies,

         1. Congratulations to Margaret Rhodes who was chosen Sister of the Month for January 2002. Margaret Rhodes has been very active with the Auxiliary and one of our very helpful members. Thanks Margaret for all you do for the Auxiliary.

         2. On March 1st will be the first Friday of the month. There will be Adoration in the Chapel from 12 noon til 9 PM. Let’s all spend an hour with the Lord.

         3. On March 2nd we will be going to Hammond for the State Tournament. We will have five members attending.

         4. On March 6th we will make bibs at the KC Home. We will meet between 9:30 AM and 10:00 AM. If you have a portable sewing machine bring it with you. We also need people to pin the bias tape and get the bibs ready for sewing. We will bring the bibs to TARC and St. Louis Infant Center.

         5. On March 7th will be our regular Ladies Auxiliary PoKeNo game at my house on Wayne Avenue. If you would like to play call Carolyn Songe.

         6. On March 13th will be our regular Ladies Auxiliary meeting at the KC Home. Remember the meeting starts at 6 PM.

         7. On March 17th is our regular monthly Mass at St. Bernadette Church at 8:00 AM. If you would like to bring up the gifts call Belle Ardoin.

         8. On March 19th we will have our regular pot luck social. Please make every effort to come and bring your favorite dish.

         9. On Saturday, March 30th the day before Easter we will have our annual Easter Egg hunt for all the children of the Parish. It will be held at Herbert Hall grounds. The Auxiliary will be dying eggs on the Friday afternoon at my house. If you would to help please let me know.

        10. At our last State meeting in February we were told that our District which is District 7 will consist of Houma Auxiliary, St. Bernadette and Bayou Blue Auxiliaries. Suzanne Guidry will still be our Liason Officer.

        11. This year we didn’t have a blood drive at the KC Home. Blood can be given at Terrebonne General. You can give blood every two months. We have six months to make our quota. Be sure to mention KC 7355 when giving.

        12. Have a Happy and Joyous Easter.

Sister of The Month
July June Gonzales
August Bell Ardoin
September Laura "Mike" Rivette
October Bonna LeCompte
November Liz Portier
December Shona Portier
January Cheri Naquin
February Carolyn Songe
March Joyce Tassin
April Oris Parker
May Margaret Rhodes
June Flo Landry

Sister of the
Shona Portier

Sister of the Month
Carmen Chauff
Joan Colwart
Flo Landry
Bonna LeCompte
Janice Armond
Cheri Naquin
Margaret Rhodes

This Month
Kay Cee Ladies
Thelma Breaux Nancy Champton Zora LaFleur
Cindy Lirette Dot Porche Jane Portier
Shona Portier Carolyn Songe

Peggy Portier
Ladies Auxiliary President
