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St. Bernadette
Kay Cee Auxiliary
Current Newsletter
August 2002

Dear Ladies,

  1. Congratulations to Cheri Naquin for being chosen Sister of the Year. She was very helpful to me all year, doing all kinds of work at the computer and also making the scrapbook.

  2. Congratulations to Oris Parker for being chosen Sister of the month for May. She has been a big help to the Auxiliary this past year.

  3. Congratulations to Kirby and Cheryl Falcon chosen as Family of the Year by the knights.

  4. Congratulations to Ryan Orillion chosen as Knight of the Year for 2002.

  5. August 1st will be PoKeNo at my house, if you would like to play give me a call.

  6. August 2nd is Adoration in the Chapel from 12 noon til 9 PM. Try to spend an hour with the Lord.

  7. August 14th will be our regular scheduled business meeting at the KC Home starting at 6 PM.

  8. The monthly Mass for the Auxiliary will be August 18th at St. Bernadette Church. If you would like to bring up the gifts call Bell Ardoin. The Mass starts at 8 AM.

  9. August 20th is our family social at the KC Home starting at 7 PM. This is a pot luck social.

  10. August 24th is our first state meeting of the year. It will be held in New Orleans at St. Cletus. If you would like to come let me know.

  11. Due to problems with meeting our quota with TGMC Blood Bank, we will have this years drive with The Blood Center. This first drive is on Thursday August 29th at the KC Home between 5:30 pm and 9 pm.

  12. We have a new priest at St. Bernadette, Father Clyde Mahler. The Auxiliary would like to welcome Father to St. Bernadette and hope that his stay here will be rewarding.

  13. Father Pat is on vacation in Ireland now getting some much needed rest after his surgery. Get well Father Pat we need you.

  14. Remember the children are going to school this month, watch for them in the morning as they wait for the bus, and also in the afternoon when they are getting off the bus and crossing streets.

Sister of The Month
July June Gonzales
August Bell Ardoin
September Laura "Mike" Rivette
October Bonna LeCompte
November Liz Portier
December Shona Portier
January Cheri Naquin
February Carolyn Songe
March Joyce Tassin
April Oris Parker
May Margaret Rhodes
June Flo Landry

Sister of the Year
Shona Portier

Sister of the Month
Carmen Chauff
Joan Colwart
Flo Landry
Bonna LeCompte
Janice Armond
Cheri Naquin
Margaret Rhodes
Carolyn Songe
Belle Ardoin
Pearly Kramer
Oris Parker

Sister of the Year
Cheri Naquin

This Month
Kay Cee Ladies
Janice Armond Lorraine Boudreaux Jane Carlos
June Gonzales Vivian LaCoste Juanita Rhodes

Peggy Portier
Ladies Auxiliary President
