St. Bernadette Kay Cee Auxiliary Current Newsletter November 2002
Dear Ladies,
Congratulations to Zora LaFleur chosen as Sister of the Month for September. Zora was chosen winner of the cake contest on the Auxiliary level. She is also a Eucharistic Minister for the Auxiliary Mass.
November 1st is All Saints Day. There is a special Mass honoring all deceased of the pass year. Check the church calendar for Mass times.
November 7th PoKeNo at Peggys house starting at 6 PM. Calkl Peggy if you would like to play.
November 9th is our State meeting in LaPlace. The meeting will start with a early Mass that morning for deceased members. This will also be the State Cake and Pie contest.
November 10th This will be the Auxiliary Mass at 8:00 AM at St. Bernadette Church. Remember we changed dates with the K.C.'s. Call Belle if you would like to bring up the gifts.
November 13th is our regular monthly business meeting at the KC home. The meeting will start at 6 PM.
November 19th is our regular pot luck social at the KC home. Try to come and bring your favorite dish.
November 28th is Thanksgiving Day. We all need to give thanks for all God has given to us.
Thanks to all the ladies who came out and helped Catholic Social Services do the interviews for the christmas toy drive. We will be distributing the toys on the third week in December.
Thanks to all who came out and helped with the TARC Hayride. The children were excited to ride and looked forward to this every year.
Remember our Auxiliary meeting in December is the 11th, this is our annual christmas party for the Auxiliary-check your Calendars.
Please pray for all the sick, those who have died, and an end to Abortion. Please pray for all our priests.