Past The Pain

It's not that I don't love you Darling, I long for your love that I cannot capture. I yearn for your arms to hold me again. My heart is broken that you have left me with-out returning, which caused me too much pain. I don't know how I will ever be strong again. I will fight to survive, and I will fight to get my strength back again. I pray that I can heal; trying to erase the memories of us together as we were. I still love you so desperately, I still yearn for you and me. But, Darling, we can never be, because I cannot get past the pain. My only cure before was when you held me in your arms, the arms that betrayed for so long. Now, that wouldn't even be a cure, for the fear is so intense to ever trust you again. My love for you is in vain because now I just can't get past the pain. So go on with your life as you are, she's a stronger woman than I to ever take you back again. But, as for me, I need to heal, trying so hard to just get past the pain.

by Dottie Fontaine