You Liar, You Cheat

You say you love me,
but you don't.
You liar, you cheat, you sneak.
You built me up to let me down.
You broke my heart
so many times.
You don't know what love is.
I can't take any more of this.
I trusted you just once more,
but, you stalk the streets
looking for whores.
You lied and cheated on me.
I thought we'd have a life,
even after the divorce,
you wouldn't leave me alone.
You made promises you couldn't keep,
and broke my heart once more.
I pray to God you'll find the Light.
I give up this fight.
Because love is really
a gift from God,
Your so-called love just
is meant to use and abuse.
I need someone who is sincere,
someone who will not be a
liar a cheat, and a sneak.
I pray to God I'll find
true love someday.
But, until then I'll live
with the loneliness.
It's for the best.
I'd rather die alone,
than have this broken heart.

@Dottie Fontaine