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I dream of me and you.
The sun is crimson and blue.
Falling somewhere
behind the moon.
We're in a pool of water
that's splashing upon the rocks.
You're holding me so tightly
We are so much in love.

No parents forbidding.
No worries of the world.
No-one else around
Just the two of us.

The water is flowing warmly
against our passionate lips.
And then we kiss.

We're floating on clouds of heaven,
of our own making.
A Paradise it seems,
to you and me.

Loving this dream.
Please don't ever wake me.
We are so free.
Stay with me forever,
in this dream togeather,
and never let me go.

Dedicated to Nat
my teen sweetheart.
by Dot Fontaine Varuso
all rights reserved