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Follow Me

Follow Me
Follow me to the Sea.
Follow me to my dreams.
Follow me through the
tunnels of mystery.
Take my hand and glide slowly
through the warm waters as
the waves ripple past me.
Time stands still for us
as we embrace.
When the night falls we don't
need to see the stars
for we are hidden behind the sea-weed
but, safely in each other's arms.
No one can see our secret places

as we travel deep beneath the Sea.
The night has fallen upon our Purity.
We rest together as the night
goes on, and when
dawn breaks the sunlight glistens
upon the rocks as we awaken.
We breathe the misty air and
thank God that we have
no fears, or worries
like all the humans do.
Thank God there are no
murders here, or
crimes to behold.
We can hold onto each other
forever and ever.
Thank God we
remain here floating
along day by day with
the Sea as our bed and
our friends are only fish.
Swimming along with you
by my side;
I do not have to want for more.

by Dottie Fontaine