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I The Mermaid

I -the mermaid
emerging into the deep blue sea,
flapping my fins tirelessly.
Aimlessly searching for my
soul-mate of immortal time.

Gazing upon the glittering,
twinkling colors dancing
upon the ruffling waves
through the peeking, sunlit day.
Silvery moon-glow
falling upon my face,
approaching night.

The full moon enthralls me
and elates me to a starry sky,
as my soul soars up so high.
The churning river
floating my thoughts,
pondering God.

Oh, how majestic is He
to create me,
half-woman, half-fish,
with plums of breasts
to feed my young.
I sit upon colorful rocks
and comb my long,
golden, wet hair
as the beads of water mist
fall from my flesh, wondering
about life and the here-after.
No worries as a human,
except for the big whale
who could devour me.

But, my Magnificent Creator
hovers over the sea
and takes me into His Hands
and blesses me.
Floating along the river banks
and gazing into the sky
just pondering God's
wondrous earth.
I-the Mermaid,
still watching the sky.

by Dorothy