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The Nude Mermaid

God created me nude, to be free,
not to have shame for my
rounded breasts or my femininity.
I am a nude mermaid
created for my Merman.
My Merman Lover never feels
ashamed of what we do,
as our bodies swim in the
waters blue and warm
as we seek all the beauty of love
and Life that God has given.
My Merman never has an insult to give,
but only kindness instead.
My Merman loves only me,
his nude mermaid.
He sought me out and swam for
the creature of the sea.
He fell instantly in love with me.
He gazed into my eyes and never let me go
out alone again in the cold.
He never takes another to enfold
and is my companion as we swim
through the tunnels of our secret places.
Only known by me and him
these secrets that we embrace.
Love is eternal and even known
by the creatures of the sea,
of the land and of the air.
Even the birds flying above
know God's love.
My friends of the sea
follow after Him for the
very air they breathe and
to keep the water here.
I am the naked mermaid,
I follow after God.
I am the naked mermaid
but, I am not ashamed.

@original by
Dorothy Fontaine