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Photo Gallery

Lauren Jollay at the Best Friends Conference in Washington D.C.


Lauren at the Best Friends National Headquarters in Washington D.C.

Lauren with some of the girls who are participating in the Best Friends program in the local Washington D.C. Schools.

3 out of the 5 schools groups who participated in a Bestfriends conference held that day.

Lauren and an 8th grader in the BF program.

(from left to right)

Pauline Hamlette, the 1st principle to establish the Best Friends program in her school in D.C. 2. Hayne Bennett, the president & founder of the Best Friends organization in 1987. 3. Gregory Thomas, Principal of Shaw Junior High (local middle school in D.C. 4. Monte Corbett, the national program director. 5. Mary-Louise Kersy, Miss Wisconsin 1999, and me :).

Lauren speaking to a group of Best Friend girls at Banneker Middle School in Maryland.

Lauren with two of the Best Friend Girls who came to speak to her afterwards at the Maryland Middle School.

Lauren speaking with Monte Corbett and Mary Louise Kelly about her sexual abstinence platform