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Luke And Laura's 12th Anniversary Vows

Transcript Courtesy Of Cari:

Laura watches Lucky and Sly play in the yard. Luke and Laura discuss the boys' refusal to wear their jackets.

Luke: It's warm.

Laura: It's November.

Lu: It's not Canada. [pause]

La: It's November [pause]

Do you know what day it is today?

Lu: [nods] It's our anniversary.

La: You didn't forget?

Lu: No. I didn't forget. [smiles] [they hug] No, baby, I had a...I had a big surprise planned.

La: Really?

He tells her of how he was going to take her out for a romantic dinner. They both left their gift for one another back in the cabin in Canada. L&L give each other their imaginary presents. Luke's gift to Laura=hat. Laura's gift to Luke=snowshoes.

They kiss.

La: But the real present is having you.

Lu: We almost didn't make this one, did we Angel?

La: I never had any doubts.

Lu: Even going over the waterfall?

La: Even diving out of that plane.

Lu: You know, I was thinking about our wedding...the moment right after the vows. I looked at were so beautiful...incredible. I couldn't believe it was true. I couldn't believe my luck. You were mine. I just--I just stood there. Remember the minister had to remind me to kiss you?

La: Yes. But it was true. And I got the man of my dreams. And we're still together.

Lu: A lot of people bet against us. Guess we showed them. Sweetheart--would you marry me again, knowing what you know?

La: I, Laura Webber Spencer, take you, Lucas Lorenzo Spencer, as my lawfully wedded husband. To have and to hold, from this day onward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health. On the land, in the air, in the river, in Canada, or Mexico, or Port Charles, or anywhere else we may end up; to love and to cherish, until death do us part. Thereto, I pledge thee my troth.

Lu: I, Lucas Lorenzo Spencer, take you, Laura Webber Spencer, as my lawfully wedded, unbelievably wonderful wife. To love, honor, and cherish, because I thank heaven every day for your love, for your patience, for your courage, through all the danger that I've put you in, all the unfulfilled dreams. I pledge to you that our lives begin again today [Laura nods]. I will get Frank Smith out of our lives, and from this day onwards, there'll be nothing but peace, tranquility, and the continuity that you deserve, [whispering] I swear. Can I kiss the bride?

La: You may.

[Nice, long L&L kiss]