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~Luke And Laura - 1993 Return~

British Columbia - Triple L Diner

Customer to Laura: You make the best pies in British Columbia.

Laura: Mrs. Whittaker would never believe it.

Customer: Who's Mrs. Whittaker?

Laura: She's a very dear friend of ours from back home who struggled to teach me how to bake. I once blew up her oven. [Laura puts a pie in a box and hands it to the customer]. Here you go.

Customer: Thank you. Where was home? You never said much about it, not since you bought the diner.

Laura: In northern New York. Let's see now...fifty cents is your change.

Customer: Thank you...oh, where's your husband?

Laura: Uh, he just walked over to the school Hallowe'en party to meet Lucky.

Customer: You know, she'd kill me if I told you but Jennifer has the worst crush on Lucky.

Laura: Your daughter has very good taste in men. But she can't have him yet...Lucky is still mine.

Customer: Thanks for the pie.

Laura: Enjoy it...and drive safely, okay?

[Two pairs of legs sneak into the diner. A gloved hand touches Laura on the shoulder and she screams. Laura turns around and Luke and Lucky pull off their masks]

Luke: Woo hooo! We got her!! Gotcha!!! Happy Hallowe'en darlin'!

Laura: Ooooooooooooh!

Luke: Happy Hallowe'en darlin'

Laura: You got me.

Luke: Gotcha!


Luke: We gotcha!

Laura: Oh you two scared me half to death!

Luke: Only half? Lucky, we gotta get better masks.

Laura: Hallowe'en isn't over yet and I'm gonna get you back. I promise you that.

Luke: Ooooooooh, I'm scared!

Lucky: We almost didn't even get in at all. You locked the door and Dad left his key.

Laura: So, how DID you get in?

Luke: Well..I...I haven't lost my touch, have I?

Lucky: He picked the lock. Dad, when are you going to teach me to do that?

Luke: Haven't I done that yet?

Lucky: No.

Luke: Oh, that's an essential survival skill.

Laura: For a 10 year old boy? Right.

Lucky: Hey, I could sneak into Mr. Harris' office and look at the math tests early.

Laura: Ah ha..ball's in your court.

Luke: Yes, Lucky, you could cheat. But the maternally approved way to do this would be to study hard and do your homework. Right?

Laura: Right.

Luke: See that. Life's full of options. Better get going though. Before it starts to get dark.

Laura: You know, why don't you wait 20 minutes and we can throw your bike in the back of the truck and we can all go home together.

Lucky: Uh, I'd rather ride - I wanna see everybody's pumpkin.

Laura: careful...I love you.

Lucky: Love you too.

Laura: Nice save on the homework.

Luke: Oh, thank you dear.

Dan enters.

Dan: Don't mind me, I'm just putting some stuff in the back.

Laura: Alright.

Luke: You know, when I was Lucky's age I had already learned to pick locks and I never took a math test. I turned out fine.

Laura: Well, you are a different case. You know...Luke...?

Luke: What?

Laura: I think Lucky's got a girlfriend.

Luke: Alright! It's about time!

Laura: Stop that! He's still my baby.

Luke: Honey, you know one day soon, he's gonna be all grown up and gone.

Laura: What does that make us?

Luke: Don't you say it! Don't you even think it! I am not old. I don't feel old.

Laura: You're not.

Luke: Thanks. You sure as hell don't look old. How did we get such an old kid?

Laura: I don't know. Just lucky, I guess.

Luke: Oooops. Uh-uh.

Laura: Uh-uh?

Luke: Uh-uh. He's Lucky. You and me baby...we're something else....

[Cue "Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow"]

Dan enters

Dan: I've got time to fix that leaky gutter tomorrow, if you want.

Luke: Great Dan. Do it.

Dan: If you got time, I could take the truck and run downtown and pick up the parts tonight.

Luke tosses the keys to Dan.

Luke: Get outta here.

Dan: When are you two gonna start acting like real married folks?

Luke and Laura: Never!

Laura: Never.

Dan leaves to get into the truck. As Luke leans Laura over the counter, he knocks off a basket of eggs. Click - boom.