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Luke And Laura And A Harley

[Spencer living room]

Luke: You blinked. Is that a yes?

Laura: How long are you going to keep doing this?

Luke: How long are you gonna keep me hanging?

Laura: How long before you get bored and give up?

Luke: Bored? Give up? Never. I'd never get bored because there's so much suspense here, and I'd never give up on us. I can't think of anything but marrying you. You haven't said no.

Laura: Will you just do me a favor?

Luke: Anything, anything.

Laura: Will you let me get through our son's wedding before you ask me to think of our own?

Luke: Wait a minute. Did I hear that right? It sounded like a definite maybe.


Laura: Our son is getting married. The little boy that we raised is going to take his vows.

Luke: The man that we raised.

Laura: Okay. Alright. So I just can't think about anything else right now. So I haven't given you an answer to your proposal.

Luke: I'm confident that you will. You were just talking about our wedding.

Laura: In theory. Only in theory. I said I'd think about it. I did not promise that anything would actually take place.

Luke: You keep teasing me like this you're gonna drive me stark, barking mad.

Laura: You were stark, barking mad when I met you.

Luke [coming closer for a kiss]: I was. And you loved it. I think you still do.

Laura: It does have a certain appeal.

[Kiss is interrupted by the arrival of Elton and Lesley]

Elton: Alright. Who's horrible idea was the motorcycle?

Laura: Elton, uh...

Elton: You there. Easy rider. Kindly remove that pile of scrap metal from out front. I'm trying to create a magical ambiance here. The bike is pure camp, it just doesn't fit.

Lesley: Elton honey, it's alright. The wedding's going to be inside, not on the porch.

Elton: Your naivete is very refreshing. Everybody knows that ambiance begins at the threshold.

Lesley: Of course it does. And so we'll just start with the inside ambiance and then we'll move outside. Where would you like to begin?

Elton: Well, the ladder. We need the ladder.

Lesley: Walk this way.

Luke [trying for another kiss]: Okay where were we? I believe we were

Bobbie: Hello! Oh...

Laura: Bobbie!

Bobbie: I heard there was a wedding in here or was I misinformed?

Luke: Baby sister I love you till the day I die. Your timing is impeccable. They're waiting for you in the kitchen. Right now.

Bobbie: Oh really?

Luke: Yeah. It's urgent. Go. Go! GO! GO!

Luke [tries for another kiss]: Where were we? I think we were about right here...

Doorbell rings.


Gia and Liz enter

Gia: The bride is here.


Audrey: I really can't believe that Lucky and Elizabeth are doing this, on the other hand it's very much like them. How are you Luke?

Luke: I'm doing okay Audrey, how are you?

Audrey: I'm fine, I think.

Laura: You look absolutely gorgeous. Can I take these from you?

Audrey: Well, I just really need to sort out who's is who's.

Laura: Oh, okay. Maybe in the kitchen. [Laura and Audrey go to the kitchen, Bobbie arrives in the living room]

Bobbie: You want to give me a hand with the other box? You know who I wish could be here?

Luke: Ruby.

Bobbie: Yeah. I caught that look between you and Laura just now. So obviously the love boat worked. So, what's next? Or just making it up as you go along?

Luke: Oh, you know me. A little planning, a little luck. A little privacy and I'll get her back.

Bobbie: Oh, I don't doubt that for a second. You always get what you want. And when you turn on the charm, no woman can resist.

Luke: Oh baby sister, please tell her that will you? And while you're at it, tell her I couldn't take all the finery and flutter. I'm going home.

Bobbie: Luke? In my experience, the wooing time is the best part of the relationship, so try not to be too good at it, or Laura won't want it to stop.

Luke: See, I don't want it to stop. That's the point. I don't ever want to stop wooing her again. But she's got to marry me to keep it coming. See ya!