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Mrs. Whittaker brings breakfast in bed for 'Lloyd' and 'Lucy'

Mrs. Whittaker: "I thought you might like to have breakfast in bed."

Laura: "Oh, that was a lovely thought."

Luke: "What a swell idea...move over darlin' " Luke jumps into bed with Laura

Mrs. Whittaker: "Hope I didn't wake you up."

Laura: "Oh, no, no, no, we were just lying here...talking"

Luke: "That's right...we were talkin' about how comfortable this bed is."

Mrs. Whittaker: "Oh well...glad you're sleeping well."

Luke: "Yeah, we sure are. We are. Aren't we darlin'? Aren't we pumpkin? Huh?" Luke kisses Laura enthusiastically

Laura squirms: "Lloyd...don't do that...Lloyd..."

Luke: "Oh now...don't be shy in front of Mrs. Whittaker. She understands."

Mrs. Whittaker: "You certainly are shy, Lucy. Most girls your age aren't like that"

Laura: "Yeah, I guess I am a little bit shy."

Mrs. Whittaker: "In front of your husband?"

Luke: "Yeah, even in front of her husband. Ya see, Lucy grew up in a convent. She didn't have a lot of connection with the outside world. Of course, I have been trying to retrain her." Luke spoonfeeds some scrambled eggs to Laura "Open up your mouth, darlin' " Laura reluctantly take a bite of the eggs

Mrs. Whittaker: "I see, that would explain it then. Come on your breakfast before it gets cold."


Mrs. Whittaker: "One thing I like to see is a man with a hearty appetite."

Luke: "Well, you know what they say about the condemned, eat up, eat up."

Mrs. Whittaker: "Pardon?"

Luke: "Oh,'s just my way of saying you sure are a good cooker Mrs. Whittaker."

Mrs. Whittaker: "Why thank you. I've had long enough to practice it. Why have you put this chair and the ottoman in this funny position and what's a bed pillow doing on it?"

Laura: " doesn't sleep with a pillow - he thinks it's bad for his posture."

Luke: "Yeah, somebody told me that once."

Mrs. Whittaker: "Oh well, people do get the funniest ideas. Now, I'm gonna do your laundry for you."

Laura: "Oh, no, no, don't have to do that Mrs. Whittaker. I'll do it."

Mrs. Whittaker: "No, listen, you just stay right where you are. I want you to relax and enjoy yourself. This is your honeymoon and I want you to enjoy it even if you do have to go to work at that diner. Now at least while you're here you'll be taken proper care of. Let me do that for you."

Laura: "Well, that's very sweet of you. I don't know how to thank you."

Luke: "Yeah, you really been wonderful. We both thank you from the bottom of my heart." Luke tickles Laura

Mrs. Whittaker: "Oh, that's alright. I remember what it was like to be young and in love. Ah, I wish you two could stay that way forever."

Luke: "Me too."

Mrs. Whittaker turns to leave and Luke starts kissing Laura again

Laura: "Lloyd...Lloyd...." when she sees Mrs. Whittaker has left, she tips over the breakfast tray and gets out of bed, pulling off the wig

Luke: "OH HEY WHOA!!! Come on, girl, what are you trying to do, leave coffee and eggs in my lap???"

Laura: "I want to leave you period."

Luke: "You're asking for a divorce?"

Laura: "Don't you ever, ever take advantage of a situation like that again..." Luke starts to laugh "...I mean it. I know they think we're married, but you're not going to force me into an embarassing situation. I won't take it Luke. I'm telling you next time...I'm gonna blow the whole thing."

Luke: ", my, my, my...looks like a little taming of the shrew is in order here..." Luke tries to grab Laura but she backs up

Laura: "You wipe that stupid grin off your face and you get out of that bed."

Luke: "I'm not going to wipe anything off my face. Do you mind? In fact, I think if you'll find me the black book, this position is very conducive to decoding. As a matter of fact, with the eggs and everything all over me...I think the whole position is very good for the word process."

Laura: "You're hopeless. You're absolutely hopeless."

Luke: "No, I'm absolutely hopeFUL. I'm serious, baby, get me the black book. I think we were on to something last night."