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~~~The Dream Episode July 2001~~~

Luke's Dream

Luke: "Laura. Sweetheart, you're here. Beautiful."

Laura: "Are you alright?"

Luke: "I'm gonna bust through the elevator floor. Helena's down there somewhere. I'm just waiting for a blowtorch."

Laura: "You always do everything the hard way."

Laura: "There's already a hole in the floor."

Luke: "Where does it go?"

Laura: "You'll have to find out for yourself. The answers are all down there."

Luke: "Whatever's down there has been ruining our lives for far too long."

Laura: "We run our lives. We make our own choices."

Luke: "Most of what I've done lately I haven't liked."

Luke: "How did you get here?"

Laura: "I took the short cut."

Luke: "I just left you in the basement. How does a hole in the floor lead to the roof?"

Laura: "I have no idea. But you'll figure it out. You'll solve everything. And you'll rescue us, just like you always do."

Luke: "What if I need rescuing?"

Laura: "Since when?"

Luke: "Where do we go from here?"

Laura: "I can't go any further with you Luke. We're divorced. We signed the papers. We took the final step."

Luke: "We have to get those papers back. We can't divorce. We can't. It'll put everything into motion."

Laura: "Everything's already in motion. I'm moving on with my life. And so are you. I have to go..."

Luke: "No...don't...there's something out there. Don't go into the dark, Laura. No...don't go Laura!"

Laura's Dream

Laura: "Let's not ask for tomorrow. It's enough that we have this moment. All I'll ever need is what I see when I look in your eyes. I love you."

Scotty: "I never cared about tomorrow until I met you. I never saw this world as anything but a racket. A carnival ride for suckers. The prize is brass. But not're pure gold."

Luke: "CUT! That was TERRIBLE! AWFUL!! DREADFUL!! I don't believe you love him for a second. I didn't believe a word of it. Not a syllable."

Laura: "But Scotty thought it was great."

Scotty: "It was good! And I'll do it again and again and again until I get it right."

Luke: "Who is directing this picture? I call the shots! It was painful to watch. You, Mr. Baldwin, you call yourself an actor?"

Scotty: "Well, have another martini, maybe you'll think I'm one."

Luke: "There isn't enough gin in Hollywood. Your performance stinks!"

Laura: "Luke..there's someone here."

Luke: "Who? Where? THIS IS A CLOSED SET! Better not be that hack writer."

Laura: "I don't know...but I'm afraid of him."

Luke: "Is that in the script?"

Laura: "'s real."

Laura: "Let's not ask for tomorrow. It's enough that we have this moment. All I'll ever need is what I see when I look in your eyes. I love you."

Luke: "I never thought about tomorrow until I met you. The world is a racket. A carnival ride for suckers where prize was brass. But're pure gold."

Laura: "Then why did you stop loving me?"

Luke: "I didn't. I never will."

Laura: "But you left."

Luke: "I thought you didn't want me anymore."

Laura: "I built my whole life around loving you. And then, we lost each other."

Luke: "Whatever we lost, we can get back."

Laura: "Can love come back? Can we find each other again? Or is this really the end? Please...Luke tell me I need to know."

Scotty: "Wait a minute, wait a minute you ham hock. These lines aren't in the script. You're making these up, aren't ya?"

Luke: "Buzz off, Baldwin. In fact, you're fired."

Scotty: "You can't fire me, only the front office can fire me."

Luke: "I just fired you. You've been recast. From now on I'm playing this role."

Laura: "No, you can't do that."

Luke: "Why not? Even as a director, I'm a better actor than Rin Tin Tin."

Laura: "Who will save us then?"

Luke: "Save you? From what?"

Laura: "Him."

Luke: "Laura, I told you...there's no one there."

Laura: "Yes, there is. He never left."

Luke: "You see...true passion never can go back to an old love...."