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~Laura's Decision~

Joe: “You know, you and I haven’t really talked for awhile. What do you really want?”
Luke: “Same thing I always wanted, Joe. Laura. I just want Laura.”

Laura: “Who stole the divorce decree??”

Luke: “They didn’t even know the town hall had been broken into until we went in to get the divorce decree. And all the papers was a mess.”

Laura: “But who stole it?”

Luke: “I think Scott did.”

Laura: “Why would he do that??”

Luke: “ beats the hell out of me.”

Laura: “Dammit!”

Luke: “Now, listen..maybe he just changed his mind..I mean there could be a million reasons, but I don’t know what they are.”

Laura: “Did you see him? Did you talk to him at all”

Luke: “No...nobody knows where he is. He’s skipped.”

Laura: “Well, I think the wedding’s off.”

Luke: “No, we don’t give up that easily. Lee has a plan.”

Laura: “Look, if it’s about filing for a divorce in the state of New York, forget it, because you have to wait for those for over a year.”

Luke: “Baby, there’s another alternative. It’s called an ‘ex-parte’ divorce. Ex-parte, I think that’s what it is. It means that one party...that would be you... can get the divorce without the other person even being present, so he wouldn’t even have to be there.”

Laura: “Really?? Can we get one in time for the wedding?”

Luke: “I checked the timetables when we came in from the airport. There’s a flight leaving for Juarez Mexico in two hours. We could go there, we could sign the papers, the whole thing could be over, we could come back, walk down the aisle just as planned...uh you follow me?”

Laura: “Ohhhh, sounds wonderful!

Luke: “Yeah, okay, uh....but there is one thing that I want you to understand. I want you to know this completely now. This ‘ex-parte’..whatever it is..divorce...could be declared invalid any time Scott opposed it. Before or after the fact.”

Laura: “But that means we wouldn’t be married.”

Luke: “Yes, we would. You’d be married to me....and you’d be married to him.”

Laura: “Luke, I don’t get it.”

Luke: “It’s called bigamy.”

Laura: “Yeah, and it’s against the law!”

Luke: “I know..but only if he contests it.’s very confusing...and I want you to totally understand it before you make any decisions...and I think that Lee is the man you should ask the questions to, so I’ll get him...”

Laura: “Luke...”

Luke: “Yes, baby...”

Laura: “What should I do?”

Luke: “Think about it. Think about it very carefully.”

Conversation after Lee discusses the situation with Laura

Luke: “You okay?”

Laura: “Yeah. I just wasn’t expecting any of this.”

Luke: “Pretty overwhelming.”

Laura: “Yeah.”

Luke: “Listen, I want you to know that I really tried. I did my best. I really...”

Laura: “Yes, you did.”

Luke: “Um...I don’t know. I’ll be with you all the way whatever you decide.”

Laura: “Thank you.”

Luke: “You want some tea or..”

Laura: “ uh...that’s sweet of you. But what I really want now is some time to think. This is my decision Luke. I think I’d like some time alone.”

Laura's Decision - Part Two