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~~~I'm Going To Be A Smarter Fool~~~

Luke: Sweetheart, I love you more than anything. I always have and I always will. But you know better than anybody that I’m hardly perfect. I’m kind of a screw up..

Laura: Oh no..

Luke: Oh now let me finish - I’ll probably make a lot more mistakes but I promise you this, I’m going to make new ones. I’m not gonna recycle the old ones. Like pushing you away when I need you the most. That’s what I did when we lost Lucky. I’ll never do that again.

Laura: I did exactly the same thing.

Luke: Darlin’ but see, I threw ancient screw ups in your face. And that wasn’t fair. And I’m not gonna do that again. I’ve gotten rid of all that. I’ve thrown all that stuff in the junk heap along with my mirrored ball. If I solemnly swear that I’ll never do any of that stuff again, do you think we’re gonna be alright?

Laura: Yeah, I think we are. But that’s not enough. Because there’s also my side.

Luke: Barbara Jean may have lost another daughter...that’s flashing us back to the worst time of our lives. We may have a rough road ahead darlin’ - but I’m not going to be the fool I was.

Laura: Luke I was....

Luke: I’m going to be a smarter fool. A better fool. A fool with more perspective. Anything you want. What do you need?

Laura: Nothing. That’s perfect. What I wanted to say, is that I promise you I will be completely honest with you, from this day forward. No matter what. Okay? And maybe this is our chance to realize that we’re never, ever, EVER gonna take the easy way out again, or the quick fix or the blame road. We’re just not gonna do that. And if God forbid, the unspeakable should happen to us, we’re gonna stay together. Is that a deal?

Luke: That’s a deal. Oh, I’d so love to seal this with a kiss but I’ve got the head cold from hell.

Laura: We could always seal it with something else.

Luke: Oh! You’re so full of good ideas...oh... careful, don’t break my mirrored ball!

Laura: Love you!