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Tangled Up Speech [Oct 2001 - warehouse]

Luke: “That isn’t the kind of love I’m talking about Laura. That’s the kind of love you have for a friend. I mean love, the deep connection that you and I have that very few people ever know. The love that tangles us up in each other’s arms at night and won’t let us go until morning and...and then it just wants to start all over again. That’s the kind of love I’m talking about. Please tell me you remember that love.”

Laura: “Of course I remember.”

Luke: “I remember making love and holding you in my arms and the smell of you and your hair against my chest and the look in your eyes. That’s what I miss, that’s what I don’t have in my life, that’s what I need.....”


Luke's Birthday Cruise Speech

Laura: “Thanks for the party. It was really nice. You fooled me you know. For a minute there, I thought you forgot my birthday.”

Luke: “No, I couldn’t. I remember everything about you. The way you look when you’re skinny-dipping when you’re shivering in the cold...the way you brush your hair from the nape of the neck...the way you dab perfume on that same spot on your collarbone..the way you sing in the shower...the way you snore when you’re pregnent [Laura laughs]...everything...I remember everything...”


Laura Wants It All

Laura: “...I want to catch Helena...but I’m also itching to be back on the road again.”
Luke: “Really? Packing and unpacking... living under assumed names and all that?”
Laura: “Yeah.”
Luke: “Don’t you think you’ll miss your hearth..and your throw pillows???”
Laura: “Throw pillows would fit in the bag. Life is about balance, right? Everything in moderation. I’m actually thinking that’s really the key to everything I want. The throw pillows, the road...and you.”
Luke: “You got me, baby.”