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<*> Valentine's Day Fantasy Episode 2002 <*>

Luke enters the office. Roy is at a desk playing cards

Roy: "I was about to call Felipe and arrange for bail."

Luke: "Keep his number handy. I still might need it. The cops are dogging me like bloodhounds."

Roy: "They're not the only ones. There's someone waiting for you in your office. I told her you might be, uh, gone awhile but she wouldn't leave."

Luke: "I'll get rid of her."

Roy [laughs]: "Sure you will."

Luke enters his office and sees Laura there

Luke: "What part of goodbye didn't you understand, doll?"

Laura: "The part where I never get to see you again."

Luke: "You got what you wanted."

Laura: "No, I didn't."

Luke: "I covered for you with the cops. I gave you the package."

Laura: "I'm giving it back. Go ahead, open it. I don't expect you to trust me."

Luke: "Why are you doing this?"

Laura: "Because I love you."

Luke: "Oh, you love me, huh. Where have I heard that before? Oh yeah...I said it to you. As I recall your response wasn't too enthusiastic."

Laura: "Can you blame me? You're not an easy man to love. You don't fit in my life. I'd probably be better off without you. But I'll never know. Because I choose you Luke. For better or for worse. In sickness and in health. And all that other sentimental stuff you say you don't believe in, but I know you do. No one's ever looked at me the way you do. I can't give that up. I love you Luke, do you still love me?"

Luke: "I'm crazy about you, doll. I always will be. And all that sentimental stuff."

Cruise ship

A crewman brings a note to Laura

Crewman: "A message for you from Mr. Spencer."

Laura: "An invitation to dinner?"

Crewman: "I'm afraid that's quite impossible. Mr. Spencer left the ship in Marseille."

Laura: "You must be mistaken."

Crewman: "I saw him disembark. That's when he gave me this note and asked me to make sure you received it."

Laura: "Thank you." Laura reads the note.

"I've never been much for saying goodbyes, so I'm going to cheat and write what I couldn't tell you. I love you, Laura. For the first and only time in my life I know what that means. I love you. But we can't last. So it's better to end it while we still have good memories. Be happy, darlin'. Try not to hate me too much. Luke."

Luke arrives

Luke: "Laura."

Laura: "I thought you left."

Luke: "I did."

Laura: "Did you forget something? Your cufflinks? Your revolver? Or did you realize that it would be just as easy to leave me when we get to Barcelona?"

Luke: "I can't leave you. I tried. I got all the way to the train station. When the ticket agent asked me where I was going, I couldn't think of a single city I wanted to visit. I couldn't think of anything in the world I wanted to see but you. Your face. I used to think that the secret of life was never holding on to something you couldn't walk away from. But I was wrong, you proved me wrong. I love you Laura."

Laura: "Until Barcelona?"

Luke: "Until the day I die. Why else would I risk my neck trying to catch up to this tub before you read that letter."

Laura: "But I did read it. I know the truth. We can't last."

Luke: "The hell we can't. That letter was the act of a desperate man trying to escape the one good thing in his life. Trying not to give in to what he really wants and needs. But it's too late. I'm yours. I'm yours whether you want me or not."

Laura: "I don't know what to do."

Luke: "Yes, you do. Love me. Love me, Laura."

Laura: "I do love you."