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MeMes Originals

MeMes Originals

"Daddys Hands"
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I have been crocheting for over 54 years now, and of that;
I have been doing rag rug crochet for others for over 30 years.
I am self taught in the art of rag rug crochet.
I found it a very relaxing and rewarding craft again back in 1981,
and have enjoyed not only making many thousand pieces; but have also
taught several hundred people the art also. I have taught classes at our local university,
local recreational parks, churches, and in my home and other people's homes too.
In other words, I never pass up the opportunity to keep this art alive.
I have decided to share all of my creations with everyone
on the internet and surely hope that you will enjoy browsing through my pages.

I have over time, designed several pieces that I am very proud of;
and am now sharing those designs with everyone on the internet.
I have over 800 different pieces that can be made,
so the possibilities are endless. All it takes is time, imagination and a love of the art.

I am here not only to offer my products,
but will try to help in anyway I can to have others interested
and making the things that they would love to have.
It is so rewarding to see the finished product,
and to know that you did it yourself

A little about me----
I am the Mother of six, grand-meme of nineteen and great grand-meme to three.
I am married to a wonderful Cajun man, who whole heartedly supports me in my crafting.
He has spent countless hours cutting thousands
of yards of material and packing it for me to be ready to crochet.

He is also a wonderful Father.
In other words, he is a "keeper"!!!!!

Sorry Ladies, he is taken. (smile)!

I wish to dedicate my web site to my Mother and Daddy

for giving me the strength to be willing to work and enjoy the results of that labor.
--- To my Mother,
I dedicate the pitcher and bowl set that I designed
while visiting her and my Daddy's home several years ago.
They have been wonderful parents,
and have always set great examples for everyone
that has ever had the pleasure of knowing them.

I lost my Daddy July 15th, 2002;
but still have the most precious memories that nobody can ever take away.
He was a very special kind, gentle, generous, giving and loving person....
he will be sadly missed,
but I will never forget that he instilled in me
how to appreciate others and hard work never hurt anyone.
He worked right up until the last minute doing something for others.
Thank the Good Lord for a wonderful 61 years that I was able to enjoy him!!!
I love you Daddy,
now please rest; and I will see you again someday.


If you hold your cursor over the icons below, it will tell you what is on each page.

Oval Rugs For Sale

Click on the next button to go to page two of my oval rugs.

Oval Rugs For Sale - Page Two
Heart Rugs For Sale
Please click on the next icon to view page two of my heart rugs.

Heart Rugs For Sale -- Page Two
Shag Rugs For Sale

Please click on the next icon to view my shag wearables.

Shag Wearables
Holiday Items Speciality Items Miscellaneous Friendship Page
Pattern Kits video Page About Me Order Form Links Page One Links Page Two
Links,page Three Links,page Four
Guestbook-View/Sign Awards that I have received
Home Page


Page updated 012/11/2018

Written content and merchandise, pictures and original patterns
Copyright © by Mary Suire 1981-2021.
All Rights Reserved