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Pictures from Hruba Scala

Hruba Scala is about 2 hours to the north of Prague, and it's a wonderful place.

The castle in which I slept.

The view from the castle.

Hall of heads, in the castle.

The view from the castle's turret.

The inner castle courtyard.

In the castle courtyard, at night.

My room in the castle.

On a rock above the castle. The castle inhabitants were worried that attackers could setup a catapult here and destroy their lovely home, so they fortified the rock.

MJ, trying not to fake the funk.

This church is outside the castle gates.

What pretty woods. I walked about 20 miles this day, on all these nice trails they have in the Czech Paradise.

Steps carved into the rock allow the trail to continue.

The Famous Trosky Rocks, from afar.

The sandstone spires of the Czech Paradise, contrasting nicely with the man-made spires of Prague.

A lone tree on a lonely road.

These rock formations were like a bunch of city blocks, where the buildings were seperated by about 2 feet. You can shimmy up the sides to get to the top of the buildings, where there are some ruins left by former inhabitants of this natural fortress.

In the dying light of sunset, red are the woods.

The sky in the Czech Paradise (doesn't it look like that one contrail has set the tree-top on fire?).