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Pictures from Prague

The view from the Prague Castle.

Candy Up! and loyal patrons. Candy Up is the best chocolate milk ever; sweet, but not too sweet - just the way I like it (milk, I mean).

Kinds of facades.

Whatcha doin'? Just walkin'.

Relfected glory.

This is the Skoda automobile company logo. I love that a country the size of like south carolina has it's own car manufacturer, and I love that you see so many old Skodas around. I took many pictures of Skodas.

Slick pastels, yo.

Like a fence, but round-shaped.

Old-skool Skoda.

Spikey windows.

Strange Fruit: this fruit grows on streetlamps.

A view of southern Prague.

A bunch of wigs in a window, Atget style (I had to write a paper about Atget on the bus ride back to london).

Some statues on the Charles Bridge, with birds on top.

A puddle, disturbed. Sometimes it rains in Prague.

Kids, in the celler.

What does this company do?

Left-over communist inspiration.

There are quite a few convex mirrors in Prague, so you can see around the acutely-angled streets.

Another disturbed puddle.

Railings in the House of the Golden Ring.

Those are some medieval towers.

I wonder how seagulls found their way to the middle of Europe.

The illest Skoda.






This tunnel has wonderful ambiance, wouldn't you say?

That guy's wearing a purple jacket.

Me, in an alley (that guy walking towards me thought my camera's timer light was a firework. Silly Praguer).

A huge door, and me.

Melanie's prefered species of dog. The little bastards move pretty quick, which is why he's so blurry.

Yes, I took two pictures of that dog.

Tunnels under Vyserhad.

Mel and Jen, in the depths of the winebar.

Melanie and I reflected in another one of those convex mirrors, this one up by the Prague castle.

A triumphant return from the gritty bathroom of the winebar.

No anarchy in the CZ. I've never seen anti-anarchy graffiti before. A refreshing touch from the taggers of southern Prague.

This is the oldest skoda I ever saw. I tried to talk to it's owner, but he spoke only czech and deutsh, so I'm not sure exactly how old it is (though we were able to confirm that it runs on gasoline, not desiel). My guess is it's from the '40s or '50s.

An architectural detail.

An undisturbed puddle.

The ruins of the loading dock for the Vyserhad Castle.

A bunch of heads sticking out of a door (of course).

A newer Skoda, reflected in a puddle.

I bought this little man without knowing what was written on his belly. Lucky it's a statement I can get behind: "Beer and football are for me!" or something to that extent. I use him to add interest to what might otherwise be rather technical pictures.

A sphinx-like statue.

A sunny afternoon near a church.

Transient traffic.

A tree, reflected in a puddle.

Some nice trees along a bend in the river (which river? That one that goes through Prague).

This is the tunnel through which the krazy Cultural Memory teacher led his class. This is a tunnel for getting water out of the Prague Castle - the owners didn't want invaders to be able to sneak in through the sewer, so they built a cistern and kept it full of water. If they suspected invaders had entered the tunnel, they would open the flood gates and wash those sneaky invaders right back into the river. Somewhere in those darkened depths is the cistern, which has been adopted by satanic ritualists.

Some guy (Vladamir?) in fair weather...

... and in foul.

A wiggley (but still imposing) fence.

All the homies go to the wine bar.

It's a window, and then another window!

Birthdays are blurry.

Hello, Dover.