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School Locations and Contact Info


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Our Mission

Our mission at Pan Am Martial Arts Academy is to provide and promote our students with the necessary skills to live a healthy lifestyle physically, mentally, and spiritually through the teaching of Tae Kwon Do.

Our History

We have been providing the art Tae Kwon Do to the Thibodaux, Houma areas for over 20 years.

Beginnings of Tae Kwon Do

The literal translation is "Tae" meaning foot, "Kwon" meaning fist, and "Do" meaning disipline or art.  Together, it gives us "The art of kicking and punching."   The history of Tae Kwon Do dates back to around 50 B.C.  In this time Korea was divided into 3 kingdoms.  Koguryo, one of these kingdoms, founded in the Yalu River Valley in 37 B.C. has the earliest evidence of Taek Kyon(the earliest form of Tae Kwon Do) found in paintings on the ceiling of the Muyong-Chong, the royal tomb of the Kguryo dynasty. These along with other murals depict unarmed fighters using techniques identical to modern day Tae Kwon Do.

Tae Kwon Do of Today

Tae Kwon do is the one only martial arts in which its particpants are able to compete in the olympic games.  It is also the world's most popular martial art, praticed in almost every major country in the world.




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