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W | L | D - 02 | 01 | 00
Roleplay Number - #10
Next Opp. - Les Resistance, Double J & Hayabusa

Career Information -
CWF Tag Team Champion (1x) CWF Hardcore Champion(c)

Been To The Ravens Nest -
Booker T, Lance Storm, Jerry Lynn, Test

[ Prologue.. ]

All three men are down and hurting with crushed table all around them, Test soon uses the ropes to get himself to his feet, dazing around the ring holding his head in agony before noticing that Raven, Jerry Lynn and Lance Storm are all down and hurt... The Big Man smirks evilly before taking it to his advantage, cockily covering Raven... One... Two... Raven Kicks out! My god, I cannot believe it, he somehow kicks out and Test is pissed! Test quickly yanks him to his feet and... TEST DRIVE!! NO! RAVEN REVERSES, DROPS OUT OF IT AND... EVENFLOW DDT!! HE COVERS... One... Two... Three!! Raven has done it! Raven is the new Hardcore Champion....WrestleMania, Raven Dared To Dream. And That's where his dream came true. The Dark Prince is no longer aligned with Jeff Hardy, but instead, Test and Stacy. The Tag Titles are vacant after Raven displayed hatred for the Golden Boy. The chair shot against his skull wasn't the maneuver that costed him his match. It the deadly, sickening, bone shattering Evenflow from the top of a ladder, through FOUR tables. Ravens in the hospital, as is Jeff. The Dark Prince is Hardcore Champion and on Sunday..Raw..Test and Raven will team up and take on Double J and Hayabusa, as well as Les Resitance. The Tag Titles are on the line. Can Raven become a two time Tag Champion and be a double champion? Find out on Raw.

[ ..Prologue ]

[------ Scene #1 - Test visits Raven ------]

(- The CWF logo flashes and then becomes fixed in the lower left hand corner of the screen. The scene open up inside of a hospital in Pittsburgh. The city of Pittsburgh will have it's first CWF Raw there on Sunday night. And coming off of an explosive WrestleMania, what a show it will be. But inside of the hospital room is Raven, lying on a bed. A nightstand next to his bed has his new Hardcore Championship, a light, a phone, and some water. Then Test and Stacy, his new allies, walk in. -)

--'The Dark Prince'-- Raven: ' Hey man, and wo-man '

--'Test'-Andrew Martin: ' You look like shit. '

--'The Dark Prince'-- Raven: ' Why thank you. '

(- Stacy sits down next to Raven and places herhand on his forehead, covering his bloody bandage. -)

--'Test'-Andrew Martin: ' That was one helluva match, I gotta give it to you. Then you still had the guts to go out and do what you did to Hardy. You probably are the real Hardcore King. '

--'The Dark Prince'-- Raven: ' No shit sherlock. I tried to tell you. You dind't want to listen. Now after I kciked your ass you wanna believe me. '

--'Test'-Andrew Martin: ' Yeah yeah, so what? I lost to you. You’re the champ. And buddy, we’re about to be champions my man. '

--'The Dark Prince'-- Raven: ' What? '

--'Test'-Andrew Martin: ' Me and you are fighting as a team on Sunday against Double J, Hayabusa. And some Les Resistance. I’m going to be a champion. '

--'The Dark Prince'-- Raven: ' You see, you've got it all wrong. I'm a champion. I've been one and I lost my title to prove a point. And on Sunday I willing to gain it back because I can and i'm good enough to. And teaming with you isn't a 'woop-de-doo' thing for me. I pinned you and now I face you? You listen up, you work your ass off in that match because I’m not going to tolerate for one second. I’m not going to put up with losing my titles to somebody because of you. And if it is because of you..OH! You might as well think of WrestleMania as a slap compared to what I will do to you. '

--'Test'-Andrew Martin: ' Look man, don’t worry. We’ve got it in the bag. Hayabusa’sbeat from his match as is Jarrett. And Those french guys..well, they’re French! '

--'The Dark Prince'-- Raven: ' AND?! Are you doubting French people? Because if you are..then that’s about the only you’re doing that I like. You and me being a team. I don’t like. You and me being Tag Champs..meh..I’ll have my titles back’s all good. You and me..friends..NO! A Big Stone Cold EH EH! I don’t want to be best buds with someone who I annihalated. At least not untill I get past my gloating stage. '

--'Test'-Andrew Martin: ' Yeah, I undertsand ya man. '

--'The Dark Prince'-- Raven: ' good, because if you don’t I’m going to have to prove it to you again why I’m the King of Hardcore. I did it last night..I can do it again. Now, give me my phone, I got somebody to call. '

[------ Scene #2 - The Call ------]

(- Test hands aven the phone from off of the nightstand by the bed. Raven puts it to his ear to check for a dialtone. He then dials in seven numbers and put the phone to his ear. It rings a couple of times and then a man picks up. -)

--'Genetic Jackhammer'-Vince McMahon: ' Hello? '

--'The Dark Prince'-- Raven: ' VINCE! It’s me, your new Hardcore Champion and well, I just called to inform that you will be seing me at this weeks commercial shooting for the start of Raw. The intro video. I’ll be there. '

--'Genetic Jackhammer'-Vince McMahon: ' Are you sure? Because, Rave, you were in pretty bad shape coming out of WrestleMania, and the fact you’re still in a hospital shakes me up a bit. Are you going to be able to wrestle at all? '

--'The Dark Prince'-- Raven: ' Look, it’s not going to take much for me to beat two wanna-be French guys and some Now Were Old members. It’ll be a peice of cake. Besides, my trainers coming over today anway. I’ll get my people, to call your people. '

--'Genetic Jackhammer'-Vince McMahon: ' I am my people Rave. Just make sure you’re 100% ready for your Tag Team Title match. We need those titles in the hands of someone who can do good. And Raven, there’s alot of good, title-holding, potential in you. I saw it at WrestleMania when you won the Hardcore Title, and again when you back-stabbed your partner. You’re the man we need in CWF. And winning titles will keep you here. So keep on doing what you have been doing and trust, it’ll be more than worth it. '

--'The Dark Prince'-- Raven: ' Ok, I’m going to let you go now. But trust me, I’m going to be there for the promo shoots and the commercial filming. No doubt. Trust the Raven..Nevermore. '

--'Genetic Jackhammer'-Vince McMahon: ' I’ll see you tomarrow Raven. '

(- Raven hands he phone back to test, who puts it back on the charger. Raven then puts his hands behind his head and lays back on the bed, with Stacy next to him. -)

--'The Dark Prince'-- Raven: ' ALRIGHT, now we just sit..chill..drink a bud, watch a game, and wait for Arnaldo to come. '

--'Test'-Andrew Martin: ' I thought your trainers name was Arnold. '

--'The Dark Prince'-- Raven: ' You retard, Arnaldo is what I call Arnold..because I CAN! Now please, go.. Leave! '

(- Test grabs Stacy’s hand and begins to walk out but then Raven pulls Stacy back down. -)

--'The Dark Prince'-- Raven: ' I dind’t say for her to go. I said you go. Now please, she’ll be back before dark..I promise. '

(- Test huffs and puffs as he walks out of the hospital room and the cameras fade. -)