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W | L | D - 02 | 01 | 00
Roleplay Number - #12
Next Opp. - Les Resistance, NWO, E&C

Career Information -
CWF Tag Team Champion (1x) CWF Hardcore Champion(c)

Been To The Ravens Nest -
Booker T, Lance Storm, Jerry Lynn, Test

[ Prologue.. ]

All three men are down and hurting with crushed table all around them, Test soon uses the ropes to get himself to his feet, dazing around the ring holding his head in agony before noticing that Raven, Jerry Lynn and Lance Storm are all down and hurt... The Big Man smirks evilly before taking it to his advantage, cockily covering Raven... One... Two... Raven Kicks out! My god, I cannot believe it, he somehow kicks out and Test is pissed! Test quickly yanks him to his feet and... TEST DRIVE!! NO! RAVEN REVERSES, DROPS OUT OF IT AND... EVENFLOW DDT!! HE COVERS... One... Two... Three!! Raven has done it! Raven is the new Hardcore Champion....WrestleMania, Raven Dared To Dream. And That's where his dream came true. The Dark Prince is no longer aligned with Jeff Hardy, but instead, Test and Stacy. The Tag Titles are vacant after Raven displayed hatred for the Golden Boy. The chair shot against his skull wasn't the maneuver that costed him his match. It the deadly, sickening, bone shattering Evenflow from the top of a ladder, through FOUR tables. Ravens in the hospital, as is Jeff. The Dark Prince is Hardcore Champion and on Sunday..Raw..Test and Raven will team up and take on Double J and Hayabusa, as well as Les Resitance. The Tag Titles are on the line. Can Raven become a two time Tag Champion and be a double champion? Find out on Raw.

[ ..Prologue ]

[------ Scene #1 - Television ------]

(- Fade up CWF Logo. The logo dissolves inot a room, Raven is seen sitting on a couch staring into a snowy TV screen. -)

--'The Dark Prince'-- Raven: ' The Raven, much barren inner qualities. Yet so much depth and unknown intellect. Much like the that of a snowy Television screen. Nothing seen from the outside but spectacles of white and black dots swarming the screen. But on the inside..a man of which is off task. Not pressing the right buttons to delete this screen from appearing. And thus we find the interlocking material that is today's world. Men being hired for jobs, and do not complete their tasks at hand. Women trying to soar above the heights of us men, and both genders lacking of the right material to be that fireman or that television operator. Thus bringing to me to my next topic. CWF's Raw will bring upon the superstars much pain, as always. And I will once again be the bearer of this horror and hazing of the opponents. Les Resistance, Edge and Christian, Double J and Hayabusa. Do those names ring a bell? They should, for they are my unlucky opponents. My prey. A Raven catchs it's own food, drawing blood as it scraped the ramins of the dead creature. I will be the one to kill the creature..and Test will be the man for the remains. That is Co-Operation. And that, is what will give us the wealth of Tag Team Championships. But what is wealth? Wealth is not money, or of fame and fortune. At least not to me, for I have been through the stages of society loving you..then they turn on you one day and your life goes up-side down. So the wealth for me is that the gold wich I have have..but wealth can be in any form, a form of which makes you happy, then you are rich. I have figured that out the hard way, considering I am one of Fate's truest disciples. And she has encouraged my fortune not to be that of the gold and fame I have obtained, but the feeling of accomplishment has bid upon the fact that I do amount to something, despite what other simpletons have said. The something that I am is more then most people in the Champions Wrestling Federation. All of that ridicule, harassment, came from certain people throughout society. And now, I stand placed above them all. I stand pleased as their worthless souls lay rested under my podium of sucess. '

--'The Dark Accomplis'-Billy Kidman: ' The Raven speaks only the truth..And his past has forseen a future unlike what he has come upon, but with his will and power..he has become one of the best. And my final words, when this war is over..we'll become victorious. '

--'The Dark Prince'-- Raven: ' You know, when I was mother told not to even bother. She reminded me everyday how I was an outcast..a nobody..a loser. She constantly taunted me and told that I out to be like little bobby, the snob. The normal kids. She reminded everyday with punches, slaps, kicks, beatings. Brutal beatings. And I will never forgive her for those things. She rotted my mind more and more everyday. Trying to fix me..broke me more. And she never realised that her couceling she got me, all the dollars she spent on me, would never erase the toughts of her hating me, and hitting me. They'd never take away the pain I had to suffer. And till this day I feel every hit, and I still do not forgive her. I was an abused child, with anger held inside of me for so long, that it transformed me from Scott Levy, into the Raven. The guy everybody hated. In high school, they all hated me..despised of me. And they still hate me. And I am still despised of. Everybody hates me..everybody mocks me. nobody cares about me. And I have no hard feelings toward. I actually like the negetive energy around me when I enter a room. It's what I'm used to. It's how I grew up. And it's how I wish to stay. I had very few friends as a kid, and still...I have but two. But, furthermore, let's advance a little bit to the present. Where I have an internal war amongst myself this coming weekend. I face the team of Adam Copelad and Jay Reso. Or as you know them, Edge and Christian. The two men who dominated the WWF Tag division, but will not do so here in the CWF. The tag team titles, my titles, are on the line in this match. Adam and Jay are not going to be the ones to walk out with them either. They belong to me! And they are one of the only things I have in my possesion. The only things that are mine. And I will fight for them. To keep them. My partner, is the only other man in this federation who respects me, not just as a wrestler..a performer, but as a man in my own. You see, if he respects me for who I am on camera..he respects me..myself. Most men go home after a long days work of acting. They go home to the family-man. I, I stay the same. What I wear on camera is what I wear at home. And for me, home is wherever I sleep that night. It may be in a classy hotel..but on bad nights, you'll most likely see me with cardboard boxes for pillows, and a newspaper for a cover. I may not have much, but when I gain something..I appreciate it. This hardcore title, is currently my life. It's given me the fame enough to get a good shelter. And with the Tag Titles in my possesion as well..I'll be living better than ever before. That is why Test and I shall win the titles this weekend. And whatever is to come after that..that is fate. Then, also in the match, is Renee Dupree and Sylvain Grenier. French men who call themselves Les Resistance. The Resistance. But what are the rsisting? What are they avoiding? The pain which I will bring to the ring this Sunday? They cannot avoid it. They cannot escape. I've got a quick couple seconds at the start of my match to put the far of Raven, and the fear of Andrew Martin into them. And enstilling it into their minds, they will then be vulnerable to my every move. And they will feel one thing..fear. They will have to endure the pain, the healing, and the aftermath which is the Raven Effect. Jeff is feeling it in his every step. He knows it's there, but is afraid to admit it. I installed the fear of myself and Andrew into his mind that night at WrestleMania, and he still has not come out of the corners of his lockeroom. He is still rocking back and forth in the shadows. Waiting, for something big to happen. But, nothing will happen unless you take a chance. Which I did, I fought back the pain and suffering of my childhood, now I'm The Raven. Hardcore Champion. Fear not.. for it is I who shall be crucified for your sins. It is I who shall take matters into my own hands.. It is I who shall put the final nail in the coffin of three teams. For you see, although you spoiled fate's wishes.. I shall carry them out. I shall be your saviour. And this Sunday, I shall be forsaken for all three team's sins.. So it is written.. so it shall come to pass Quote the Raven, nevermore. '

(- The cameras zoom in on the tv and the snowy screen takes over the entire camera view. Then the cameras fade. -)