V.1 | 45 - 46 - 47 |
On longitudinal electromagnetic waves | |
45 | |
None the less, even without conducting this experiment, we can state with a large degree of accuracy that in the derivation of Pointing vector the following serious omissions have been made. First, the identification of outer field on the considered space V was identified with the charges and field of reaction to this affection created by the current . By force of the mass inertia of charge carriers, it has to be at least phase-shifted, and in presence of boundaries of the volume V this inevitably leads to the origin of the EM fields with other frequencies and flux vectors. 46Second, the Maxwell equation (34) used in order to transform (12.1) in the transition to magnetostatic loses its true, since the magnetostatic field does not excite the current, though in the reverse direction this equation is still true. This allows us to conclude that the done substitutions are inadmissible. With regard to above, the Pointing vector cannot be thought a trustworthy parameter characterising the process of motion in EM field, because in its standard derivation (which, to the point, we have not finished, because the further analysis appeared helpless) the roughest breaks of mathematical and physical logic combined with the vague and unsubstantiated substitutions took place. On the whole, it follows from the conducted analysis that an EM field in space can be excited not only by transversal oscillations but by different types of oscillations too, including those longitudinal. With it the contradictions inflicted by the conventional theory are nothing else but restrictions caused by the insufficiently complete statement of the problem.
As the practical substantiation of longitudinal EM waves existence, the author has created and tested the device for radiation and reception of longitudinal EM wave. The very first experiments have already shown the essential difference of these waves from transversal waves. However, let us adjourn the analysis of the experimental data for the next papers, as this expects to create at least the initial new model, which exceeds the limits of present paper. (This paragraph was written in 1990). Review by Prof. A.A. Denisov to the experiment 1987 Appendix The statement of intention with the Union Electronics of Russia47 References: V.G. Levitch. The course of theoretical physics, vol. 1. The State Publishing of physical and mathematical literature, Moscow, 1962 (Russian). L.D. Landau and E.M. Lifshiz. The field theory, vol. 1. Nauka, Moscow, 1973 (Russian). G. Korn and T. Korn. Mathematical handbook for scientists and engineers. Nauka, Moscow, 1968 (Russian; from the edition by McGraw Hill, NY - Toronto - London, 1961). N.I. Kalitievsky. The wave optics. Nauka, Moscow, 1971 (Russian). A.M. Kugushev and N.S. Golubeva. The foundations of radio electronics. Energy, Moscow, 1969 (Russian). V.A. Atsukovsky. General etherodynamics. Energoatomizdat, Moscow, 1990 (Russian). |
Contents: / 15-16-17 / 18-19-20 / 21-22-23 / 24-25-26 / 27-28-29 / 30-31-32 / 33-34-35 / 36-37-38 / 39-40-41 / 42-43-44 / 45-46-47 /