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Karavashkin, O.N. Karavashkina |
On complex
resonance vibration systems calculation S.B. Karavashkin and O.N. Karavashkina 187 apt., 38 bldg., Prospect Gagarina, Kharkov 61140, Ukraine phone: +38 0572 276624; e-mail: Basing
on exact analytical solutions obtained for semi-finite elastic lines with
resonance subsystems having the form of linear elastic lines with rigidly
connected end elements, we will analyse the vibration pattern in systems
having such structure. We will find that between the first boundary frequency
for the system as a whole and that for the subsystem, the resonance peaks
arise, and their number is equal to the integer part of [(n –
1)/2] , where n is the number of subsystem elements. These resonance peaks
arise at the bound between the aperiodical and complex aperiodical vibration
regimes. This last regime is inherent namely in elastic systems having
resonance subsystems and impossible in simple elastic lines. We will explain
the reasons of resonance peaks bifurcation. We will show that the phenomenon
of negative measure of subsystems inertia arising in such type of lines
agrees with the conservation laws. So we will corroborate and substantiate
Professor Skudrzyk’s concept. We will obtain a good
qualitative agreement of our theoretical results with Professor Skudrzyk’s
experimental results. Keywords: Many-body theory, Wave physics,
Complex resonance systems, ODE. Classification by MSC
2000: 34A34,
34C15, 37N05, 37N15, 70E55, 70K30, 70K40, 70K75, 70J40, 74H45. Classification by PASC
2001: 02.60.Lj;
46.25.Cc; 46.15.-x; 46.40.Fr 1. Introduction “The
classical vibration theory is based on solving the differential equations and
on joining the solutions for different parts of a system regarding continuity
conditions. Any negligible change of the system form makes necessary to
calculate it all anew. But out of any relation to the calculation difficulty,
one should note that the high accuracy of classical theory is illusory. Materials
never are absolutely homogeneous or isotropic, and natural frequencies and
vibration distributions usually perceptibly differ from those what the theory
gives, especially at high frequencies” [1, p.317]. At
the same time, “multifrequent resonance systems are interesting by their
applications to analytical and celestial mechanics, to Hamiltonian dynamics,
theoretical and mathematical physics” [2, p.173]. Some of
these problems are the problem of discrete-continual elastic system [3], of long molecular
chains vibrations [1], of molecules vibration level [4], of lattice
oscillations [5], [6], [7], molecular acoustics [8], quantum systems
statistical mechanics [9],
control problems [10]
and so on. Among
the multitude of approaches to these problems solution, one can mark out
“such well-known methods of vibration theory as perturbation theory methods,
averaging method, analytical methods of slow and fast motions separation
etc.” [10, p.45]. Each of them has an ample literary basis. Particularly, the
investigation by Tong Kin [11]
is devoted to pure matrix methods; by Kukhta and others [3] – to finding the
recursive relationships; by Atkinson [12] – to differential
methods; by Palis and de Melo [13] – to geometrical
methods, by Reiscig and others [14] – to qualitative theory,
etc. Mitropolsky and Homa [15] and
Cherepennikov [16]
gave good surveys of solutions obtained with asymptotic methods. Methods
based on the perturbation theory are well stated by Giacagrilia [17] and Dymentberg [18]. Approaches based
on an elastic model presented by mechanical resonance circuits were described
quite completely by Skudrzyk [1]. |
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