52 |
Karavashkin, O.N. Karavashkina |
typical form of regularity M() plotted for odd and even numbers of subsystem elements n
on the basis (7) is shown in Fig. 3. It fully corroborates the above
analysis. We can see from the construction that this regularity is the
succession of resonance peaks whose density increases with frequency, and the
peaks width decreases with it. With the transition to the aperiodical regime,
the subsystem inertia gains the monotonously increasing pattern with respect
to frequency. We should especially note the pattern of this regularity at low
frequencies. In the region preceding the first resonance peak, the subsystem
inertia increases monotonously. In the considerable part of the band it is
approximately equal to the subsystem elements total mass, and at 0 the value M nm. It is easy to check
it, noting the values s and s , when finding the
limiting value for the first expression of (7). On
the basis of subsystem inertia value, we can easy determine the exact
analytical solution for the whole elastic system shown in Fig. 1. We will use
the fact that the subsystem inertia in (7) depends not on time but only on
the external action frequency. So, under external harmonic force action, the
measure of subsystems inertia may be regarded as constant for each frequency,
and the features caused by the subsystems resonances reveal only in the
external action frequency variation. Thus
we can use directly the solutions presented in [20] for a semi-finite elastic
lumped line. The same as in case of solutions for a finite elastic line,
their form depends on the relationship between the parameter and the unity.
We should especially mark that despite the vibration pattern of the elements
of an elastic line as a whole and of subsystem elements depends on parameters
and s
having similar functional regularity, with respect to frequency they behave
essentially different. The parameter s depends on the subsystem elements masses
that are constant for a specific line, while g depends on the measure
of inertia of subsystem (7) which depends on frequency nonlinearly, and at
definite values s
becomes negative. With it g becomes complex, which is impossible for
In this connection, the features appear in the vibration of elements within
the subsystem and of the subsystems as elements of general system. For the
subsystems, the same as for simple elastic lines, it is typical a clear
division of the range into the periodical, aperiodical and critical vibration
regimes with the single boundary frequency corresponding to the critical
vibration regime. For the elastic line as a whole it is typical some other
range division. At low frequencies, before the first resonance peak of subsystem,
the considered elastic line behaves the same as a simple elastic line without
any resonance subsystems. The boundary of this range is the first boundary
frequency 0g
, which is close to the similar frequency of a simple elastic line
whose element masses are equal to the total static mass of the subsystem.
Naturally, this boundary frequency is lower than that of subsystem 0s .
Higher than 0g
, in a simple elastic line there takes place the aperiodical regime of
antiphase vibrations damping along the line. In the line having the resonance
subsystems, there reveals the influence of subsystem’s measure of inertia
dependently on frequency, which determines the vibration pattern up to the
critical frequency 0s
for the resonance subsystem. Due to this feature, further we will
distinguish the concepts of subsystem element and the elastic line element
being the resonance subsystem. |
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