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Contact Information


Office hours:
Closed on Mondays
Tuesday - Friaday, 9:00 am - 12:00 Noon, 2:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Saturday and Sunday, 9:00 am - 2:00 pm
Parish Office: (323) 664 - 1305
Fax: (323) 664 - 4975
Receptionist: ext. 0
Business Manager: Erik Whitaker, ext. 11
Director of Religious Education: Vilma Sierra, (323) 662 - 3345
Priests are available during office hourse or by appointment.
       bio Pastor, Rev. Daniel F. Barica, O.F.M., ext. 19
       bio Associate Pastor, Rev. Alvin Cachola, O.F.M., ext. 28
       bio Br. Alberto Villafan, O.F.M.


Principal: bio Mr. Frank Cavallo, (323) 665 - 3601
Fax: (323) 665 - 4143


Sisters of Notre Dame (S.N.D.): (323) 664 - 6668


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