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I Hate Her

Disclaimer: I don’t own these characters. Yadda, yadda, yadda.
Rating: PG-13 for language.
Summary: Spike’s thoughts on the Slayer. Set just after the scene in Spike’s crypt during "Real Me". Distribution: If you want to use it, e-mail me and I’ll let ya.


Bloody Slayers. Always walkin’ around like they own the place. Like just because they have superpowers they can come into your home and beat things out of you.

Who does she think she is? Striding in here, into MY home, like she’s a bleedin’… well, someone that matters? Then she’s got the nerve to hit me, no bash my face in, until I tell her where Harmony is. Bloody hell, woman, you didn’t need to hit me that hard.

Sometimes I wonder why I hate her so much. I can sit down and think about all the things that she does that make me angry. Breathing is at the top of the list. Owning stakes is another.

She thinks I’m weak; thinks I can’t do anything. William the Bloody a helpless puppy? Not a chance in Hell. They gave me that name for a reason. And as soon as this chip is out, her and all her little friends are going to realize that.

God, I can’t wait to see their faces when they find out the Big bad is back. That’ll teach them to feed me pig’s blood from mugs, make me live with Xander, and BEAT INFORMATION OUT OF ME. Oh yeah, they’ll be scared.

You can only cage an animal for so long. Pokin’ and teasin’ that animal won’t help a bit. Because in the end, the animal always gets out. Always. And it’ll want revenge on the buggers that made its life a living hell. It’s about time they think about that.

Why do I hate the Slayer? Because she’s made my life miserable, that’s why. I haven’t gotten the chance for payback.

And how could you like anyone with a name like "Buffy"?