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The rare Stoutredautomoton
Stoutredautomotons look harmless enough but give them half a chance and they'll kick you in the shins.
The elusive Schmetter Phox
The phox is noted for only chasing the king of rabbits.
The neferious Becapped Walrus
The becapped walrus does not harm you directly. Instead, he sends his powerful imaginary minions to take you down.
Kaiser Cupcake
The queen of our little group is shown here being very cross at an invading Becapped Walrus
The Dane-T Hippo
The Dane-T Hippo is shown here practicing her violin, but normally she's out being a pimpette for Quakers and Gargantuan Elves.
The Sumthinfur
There is no need to be sorry when you're with the Sumthinfur.
The Microbug
Like Bigfoot, the Microbug can only be photographed in fuzzy pictures of them mid-stride.
The Texas Grey Grizzley
While often looking ferocious when hairy, the Texas Grey is a different sight during it's shedding season. You want to stay out of his way when he's hibernating.
The Mercurial Monkey
You never know where the Mercurial Monkey will go next
The Pekicle Jym
The Jym must be light on its feet to protect its delicate ankles.
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