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- Blog/Journal -

11/01/08 - Wow I haven't wrote down anything in awhile :( Adrian is crawling and trying to stand up (with help) now...and not to mention he has been cranky some days too. He's still doing that growling sounds and had conversations with his daddy a few times. He is eating alot more baby food and apple juice for lunch.

During halloween, we went to the mall and almost everyone called him a cute cow...that was to be expected cause I first thought the costume we brought was a cow, it's a spotted dog costume. We were going to get him a superman outfit but when we got there later walmart were out of them...but he did have a good time watching other kids and looking around the mall. Adrian is awake now so I'll try to write down more later :)

9/23/08 - We got him eating baby food, last week it was sweet potatoes, and this week is carrots. He tired the carrots yesterday and he LOVED IT! He reminded me of my older brother, where my bro would want the food in his mouth right away...well Adrian was doing the same thing, his eyes light up and tried to grab the spoon and force it down his throat XD He ate it so fast (about half of that little jar), that was the most he ever eaten from a baby jar.

It was so funny, Adrian keeps grabbing his fingers and once he slapped his own hand for trying to get his finger lol! Not just that but he said Hey (I wasn't there but wish I was) from some people calling him that...which I don't really like but can't do anything about it.

Adrian is waking up once at night now >.< It's getting me some sleepless nights cause I have a hard time to go back to sleep...not to mention it takes me an hour or so to sleep :(

9/13/08 - I may misspell a word or two since I'm really tired and can't go to sleep >.<
Adrian seems to get taller and taller every day, he has a new bathtub and even thou he is suppose to be in stage 2...he is too tall and has to be on stage 3 (indepentant sitter which he is not). Adrian is eating the whole 1 ounce of cereal now, yay!, he loves the banana one. He is doing really great on tummy time and we think he'll start crawling in a few more weeks or at least some time next month. Well, since me and Adrian came back home from the vacation (We had a good time but miss our other family back home), I've been trying to get Adrian back on his scheldule but it's just not working as I thought it would...almost every night he's been sleeping an hour early but not too long ago he slept alittle later then yesterday >.< and not to mention me too (I need to get back on my times too).

It's kindof funny, Adrian doesn't have that laughing scream like he did at the vacation. Alhou I'd rather have him belly laugh then screaming, which he doesn't do it as much here. I know there was something else to say but I'm soo tired and need to go to bed. Z_z Zzz....

8/18/08 - Right now I'm in philly with my family, we are having fun and for me...eating some really yummy food. However, we both miss John and hoping that he is doing ok for himself. Adrian is finding out somethings on his body more and he loves remotes. He also is screaming more and more then belly laughing...but I wish he would belly laugh more. We went to Chucky Cheese with my Mom, brother and his son...he wasn't really thrilled with the rides but he loved the puppets/muppets that sang and moved alittle.

He smiles alot at anyone but while we were on the plane going to philly, I had to use the restroom and one of the workers on there said he'll hold him for me...well I had to go bad so I let him and just as I got out of sight adrian started crying ;_; As I was done, I came out and held him from the poor guy who was trying to play with him. Adrian never cried being held by a person he doesn't know but when I was gone he must have thought I left him :(

7/31/08 - Adrian's first feeding with a spoon was pretty funny, it seemed foreign to him and just wanted to drink from the bottle instead. We have it on the movie camera which I hope to get his first time crawling too. Oh yea, he can also roll over when on tummy time...Think we should get that on the movie camera too ^_^. I feel like I'm getting heavier >.< and I can't stand it. I hope it cools down so I can walk more and don't have to worry about walking at a certain time. Also, my sis is making a healthy chicken meal...I can't wait to taste it cause I'm starting to like chicken more now then I've ever had.

7/05/08 - It's about 2am as I'm typing this, so if you see any misspelled words...well you know why >.>

We had a good time at a park for the 4th of July, the park had a band, a duck race, and of course fireworks. Adrian liked to watch people, the trees and the dogs that was there. I thought there would be alittle bit more enetertiment but it was good getting out of the house and besides Adrian enjoyed it and that was ok to me ^_^ Oh...He wasn't as scared or thrilled about the fireworks but he did love what his grandmom got for him (he rathed watch the toy). I hope you had a great holiday!!

Oh yea...Adrian did his first belly laugh a few days ago, I was holding him up in the air and quickly droping him down to my face then up again (yes it killed my arms but it was worth it). He doesn't have a tickle spot yet but he loves to be lifted like an airplane or a rollercoaster ^.^

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