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- Old Page of Blog/Journal - From 11/15/07 to 2/19/08

2/19/08 - I'm so relieved and yet sad at the same time...cause i finally got to see my grandmom. She isn't doing good...her body is so swollen, her back hurts alot, she can't talk so you have to read her lips, is on the life support and keeps taking off her breathing tube by accident. I feel so bad for her, and doesnt deserve something like this...its all because of smoking...she had such a hard life and to tell u the truth i dont know how long she has to live.

It was me, my mom, and my friend shawn who went with me on the train from kansas city to philly. My mom and I didnt like the train ride itself besides the food and the view outside, it's really hard to sleep on one seat with the light in your eyes and other people talking. We did see a bald eagle on a branch on the ice and a big rainbow near a lake with a few houses nearby. I don't think I would like to go back on a train again unless i get to have a row of seats ^.^ would rather go on a plane but since im preggo the dr. said i can't. Well, after about 3 train rides (2 being long and 1 short) my uncle picked us up, and it was really nice to see him again.

2/10/08 - A couple of weeks ago, i've noticed that Adrian makes this weird clicking noise, think it's from him sucking on his thumb or from the way he moves in the liquid. Not sure how but he has done this in different places so i know it's him doing that.

Still trying to get to my grandmom, was so close cause we were in ohio but my brother couldn't pick me would have taken 6 hours to go thru pennsylvania. Now that im in week 34 close to 35, my doctor would not like for me to leave oklahoma but i need to go badly. I'm so stressed out for thinking im going but just to end up not going to see has always been the problem. If i can't go im gonna be in a more stressful place then im in now...i just what my grandmom's wish to be granted, and not to mention i would love to tell her stuff before she is ready to go ;_;

Well if that wasnt enough, my medicare for the pregnancy ended at the end of january...they gave us a runaround for why they end it, but now i just gotta reapply again! cause my social worker quit (they couldnt find my application). I think they are confused cause they gave me two different names for my "supposed to be next" social worker >.<

2/10/08 - A couple of weeks ago, i've noticed that Adrian makes this weird clicking noise, think it's from him sucking on his thumb or from the way he moves in the liquid. Not sure how but he has done this in different places so i know it's him doing that.

Still trying to get to my grandmom, was so close cause we were in ohio but my brother couldnt pick me would have taken 6 hours to go thru pennsylvania. Now that im in week 34 close to 35, my doctor would not like for me to leave oklahoma but i need to go badly. I'm so stressed out for thinking im going but just to end up not going to see has always been the problem. If i can't go im gonna be in a more stressful place then im in now...i just what my grandmom's wish to be granted, and not to mention i would love to tell her stuff before she is ready to go ;_;

Well if that wasnt enough, my medicare for the pregnancy ended at the end of january...they gave us a runaround for why they end it, but now i just gotta reapply again! cause my social worker quit (they couldnt find my application). I think they are confused cause they gave me two different names for my "supposed to be next" social worker >.<

12/28/07 - I had my Glucose test after christmas...what they did was, gave me an orange sugery soda like drink. I couldnt drink it very fast so i had to sip it >.< yucky. Since i had to wait an 1 hour for the rest of it, went to see my dr. Well Adrian's heartbeat was alil fast then usual, but dr said it was normal...i asked him if i will be able to get another ultrasound but he said sorry, its only for medical use only >< grr. When we were done and the hour was up, they drew one tube of blood out of me and said if they didnt call tomorrow then i am fine and dont need the 3 hour test...they never did call so i'm good ^_^ yay!

12/20/07 - After getting a phone call from my mom during the weekend, i've become even more depressed. My grandmom isnt getting better, she is getting worse and her wish is to see me again...she wants to see me before something happens to her. Have been losing sleep every night and dont feel like myself, wishing so badly to see her, i miss her. She is my best friend and wished i did more for her in the past. My grandmom didnt have a normal childhood, her life was always difficult but she showed love and had a habit of being funny even when she never meant to. I think alot about my memories with her and dont want her to go but not finding out what is going on makes me think of unwanted thoughts. I hope and pray she is ok...i need a miracle to see her again.

12/12/07 - Had a doctor's appt. today and everything is normal...and we got to hear Adrian's heartbeat alot louder then before ^_^. The next appt will be a g?? something test where i have to drink this sugar drink and a hour later take my blood to see how i will react or something like that O.o

I find it weird that recently when i go into a detector like where u walk in walmart, it will go off >.< (i hate it when that goes off cause people look and stare), well, i found out that in one of my new pants there was a hard thing inside that i've never noticed before. I looked at it closely and it said to cut it off O.o? it was medal inside a why would they do that ??

12/5/07 - I've been getting some bumps on my legs which i thought were fat deposits...but i showed it to my fiance and mother-inlaw and both say it looks like bug bites they are going to take me to the Dr. asap.
Edit: Dr. said it's ok and to put cream on them *phew* ^-^

Another thing is that im feeling kindof bummed out cause im waiting for my mom to call me back, her life right now (well always been) is very stressful. Since last i heard my grandmom is in the hospital and would like to know what is going on ;_;

11/28/07 - Here are some foods I've been craving:

1st Month- not too sure, just dont remember
2nd Month- KFC chicken (thou never really liked them before >.>) and couldnt smell/eat bacon (yum yum now), and some breads...they made me queasy >.<
3rd Month- pretty sure it was philly's pretzels and tatertots
4th Month- hashbrowns/tatertots, and philly's pretzels
5th Month- tastykakes from philly, pumkin pie and banana cream pie too

Foods i've been craving all the months: pizza, mac & cheese, some of my Mom's homemade food, Mother inlaw's casseroles, and my grandmom's thats alot O.o

11/25/07 - Some energy is starting to come back to me but i've gotten another big problem >.< ... after we ate our thanksgiving meal (yesterday), hunger hit me again late at night, and althou i was trying to get some sleep...i've gotten some crazy idea to get myself and john some pumkin pie with whipped cream. Well, john didnt want any so i ate both (big slices O.o; ) and right now im regretting >.<...cant sleep cause of a heartburn, tried taking tums (didnt last long), drinking milk (helped alil), and everytime i lay down it comes back stronger. So i havent gotten any sleep last night. Right now i want to call my mom-mom (grandmom whose in the hospital) but i just cant do that yet ;_; ...i miss her.

Funny thing happened, my mom brought me tastykakes from philly (oh so good :D ), well i had more then i usually had and it became too much sugar...all that sugar made Adrian become a wild baby inside me, kicking like crazy!...yea i do enjoy his movements but he over did it >.>

11/15/07 - I've become so tired lately that I have no energy to do things >.< so tired of being tired, I've pushed myself to do something small but i ended up with backpain lol. Then later on, after my doctor's visit, went food shopping...well i didnt realize that i hadn't eaten very much (since i was stuck in bed with backpain) that my head wasnt feeling right. So i took off my jacket thinking im over heated or something, and a moment later, dizziness came over me...while leaning over to john he helped me get out of the store and all of a sudden I threw up in the parking lot (John got some cooked food in a bag for us to eat while walking around the store). Im so glad i didnt puke in the store but still it was embarrassing and that wasnt the only time i puked near a store -_-;

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