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- Old Page of Blog/Journal - From 2/27/08 to 6/26/08

6/26/08 - Me and John are just soo tired, Adrian is on a different schedule now and it is not setting in with me >.< He used to sleep at 10pm but now he's sleeping at 1 or 2am, leaving me feel so tired when I wake up...but overall he is doing great! He loves watching Baby Einstein from but can only watch it for about 15 mins.

Oh yea...I feel like I just need to rant right now ;_;
I'm starting to become annoyed with anyone trying to feed Adrian things that are not suppose to be fed to him >.< candy >.> now I don't mind fruits and all cause that is good for him but after thinking about it...his stomach is not set for things like that yet, I mean I feel so bad cause he is not getting anymore breastmilk (the best for him to eat)...but seriously...who would give a 3 month old baby candy?? >.> first of all it would make him hyper which he already is, second of all his little stomach can't even digest the rice cereal we give him at night >.< it doesn't make him full. If anything happens to him because of it, I'm the one who will feel at fault so from now on I'm sticking to my guns to it...sorry I really needed to get that out of my system.

6/10/08 - A few days ago, Adrian had a doctor's appointment...and he cried so much from getting 3 shots ;_; John was holding him at the time and he felt like Adrian thought his own daddy was hurting him, John felt so bad but after awhile Adrian was smiling at him so John felt better...but next time Adrian gets shots again I'm going to hold him...even though I had to look the other way the first time. ;_;

I can't believe how much he is growing, I remember when we first took him home and he was sleeping in the bassinet...he was so tiny...but now he is almost tall enough to reach his toes to the other side of the bassinet. Hope he will grow taller than 6 foot as a adult

5/31/08 - He'll be 10 weeks old just 1 more day and I can see how big he is getting. He is starting to watch TV (we try to catch sesame street) and talking alot more now...not to mention his diaper changing are becoming more stinkier now >.<. Oh yea, when i show things to him, he actually reaches out to touch it now. Sadly, I can't breastfeed him anymore...but thanks to WIC, I don't have to worry to much about formula now =)

5/07/08 - Wow i cant believe it's May alrighty, time is going too fast. We visited Adrian's Great Grandmom and cousin, who was born a few weeks ahead of him (dad's side) and wasn't scared seeing them. He's about 9 pounds now and is 6 1/2 weeks old...and still doing great! He's looking around alot more now and smiling at familiar faces too. Loves to hit the lion that hangs down his bassinet and I have seen him talk (make cute sounds) to a Teddy Bear Head from a blanket. Well write back later on when i have the time ^_^

4/05/08 - Adrian is doing great, the only thing is that the diapers are alil bit too big for him so he pees right thru the diaper and it gets right on his clothes >.< ... oh and just today his umbilical cord came off today, which was really gross but normal ^^;

My grandmom past away on the 3rd of this month and I'm having mixed feelings. Happy because she's not in pain anymore, and yet sad because I won't be able to have conversations with her anymore or even have a good laugh with her ;_; I miss her so much...

3/29/08 - Yay!!! he's here and he's a good baby too ^3^ ... Well the labor thing was crazy, almost 24 hours of labor and at first i was only at 3 cm, but as the hour went by it didnt improve so the hospital sent me back home >.< I was in soo much pain lying in bed, the contractions were getting shorter and harder so we went back the hospital and they said i was at 5 cm ^.^ ... I got the needle thing that goes in your back and then started pushing and i didnt feel a thing but being over tired and pushing as hard as i can did made me feel exhausted. I was in the hospital for 2 1/2 days, well if i have more time ill type down more things for ya but i have to breast pump soon ^_^;

3/16/08 - Well the Dr told me that the click thing he does could be from the air pockets or him hiting my pelvic bone >.> He also said that if i dont go into labor by the next visit that ill have to come back on the 25th of march and he'll explain to me when they will induce me...i was really hoping for him to come out on the 14th cause that day is my pop-pop's and John's Grandmom's birthday. Maybe next time i come back on here ill have Adrian in my arms with loads of pics and videos...wish me luck ^_^

3/8/08 - Adrian is very active lately for the last few days...I think he wants to get out. Oh yea, and the dr didnt even check me to see how far i am. Me and John have been waiting for such a long time, so it might have been that the dr was really busy. And before i forget, Adrian has been making that clicking noise alot more lately...even John heard it too. We are almost ready for him ^_^

2/28/08 - YAY!!! finally went to the Dr.'s today ^_^ and he said that I'm 1 centimeter. Adrian could come tomorrow or in 3 weeks from now, although i dont think we are just ready for him yet...and the leap day tomorrow will be kindof weird if he decides to come >.<. I think that is all I have to say >.>

2/27/08 - (sorry i need to vent) The only thing that is on my mind now, is that my medicare is making me wait for a month to see the Dr. I dont think they know what they are doing...keep changing social workers >.< and i dont even know who the person is now >.> My appointment is tomorrow and if they dont get me on medicare by then, I'm gonna have to reschedule for the 3rd time. I feel like they are putting Adrian on the line...I mean it's gonna be a month till we had a checkup.

Oh yea, I now have proof about the Adrian clicking I visited my family, I was showing my nephew how Adrian moves around when he made that same clicking sound again. My mom actually heard it and now i dont feel like im crazy ^.^ WOOHOO!

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