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:: Adrian's Baby Site ::
Baby Pics

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:: Special ::


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:: Clips/Movies ::

:: Blog ::

:: Baby Gifts ::

< Old Pages >

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:: Main Page ::

- Old Update Page - From 2/27/08 to 6/16/08

6/16/08 - 3 new pics in page 3...that's about it :(

6/10/08 - Changes are finally done, 2 month pics are up, blog updated, and a few new video clips are up on

6/04/08 - I will be making changes again...some pics will not show up, so bare with me. These changes will be alot eaiser for you and me when it is all finished. ^_^

5/31/08 - 7 new pics in +1 month page, blog updated...and if u have myspace, just uploaded 1 new vid

5/16/08 - 4 new 1 month pics...he is so close to 2 months, I can't believe it.

5/12/08 - 1 new's so cute ^_^ and i have to go get ready for a dr. appt. later

5/07/08 - updated blog, +1 month page is up but not on every page yet (only on the main, and i will be moving the clip page over to another site to save some space here.

4/18/08 - Clips/Movies link up

4/05/08 - updated blog and 12 new pics

3/29/08 - updated blog and pages: Labor and less then 1 month old pics ^_^

3/16/08 - updated blog and gift page

3/8/08 - updated blog page, new belly pic and fixed alot of links in the old, gift, and belly pages

2/28/08 - updated blog page...and something new in the Miscellaneous section

2/27/08 - updated blog and something new in the gift page ^_^

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