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People ask me alot what I'm currently doing here in TZ, for the African Wildlife Foundation, etc. So I just did this to update periodically (mostly for my family). As you will see, my life is not as exciting as it looks :)
May 10, 2001 I can't believe I'm leaving in June, that I've been here for almost an entire year (I don't think I actually became used to living here until about December). I'm now extraordinarily busy with creating the general management plan for Tarangire National Park, although I'm not sure if the policies we are creating will be put into effect until long after I leave. I don't know if the number of people coming into the area and shutting off the wildlife corridors with farms and subsistence poaching can be decreased. But only time will tell. I wish I had some deep words of wisdom here, how my life is changed becuase I've spent the last 12 months living in one of the poorest countries in Africa. But how are you supposed to do that on a web page? LOL. I've learned the world is big, the world is small, I know alot, I know very little. Water is the most precious thing in the world and a little kindness can get you a long way. And even though you may eat different food, have multiple wives, dress differently, pray to a different god...people are still the same. We all laugh and smile when we're happy, and cry and hurt when we are sad. And that is the end of my spiel. OH...and Coke is cheaper than water. 'Nuff said!
July 9, 2001 I am now back in the states, at my mom's apartment in Melbourne, Florida. Doing absolutely nothing for an entire month! In August, I'll be heading up to New York, taking 2 classes at CC and applying to grad school. That's about it for now...take care everybody :)
October 23, 2001 I left that stuff up there for now for the interesting factor. At the moment, I'm established in New York, albeit I don't know where I'll end up next! The best way to find me is just through email, Until next time everybody, mind how you go...:)
July 19,2004-whoa! where the hell did I go? :) ha ha, I am entering my second year as a master's physician assistant student at the Western University of Health Sciences in Pomona, California. I have been dating a fabulous aussie named Michael Frakes for over 2 years now and although life has its ups and downs, overall I describe it as pretty sweet. Email address is still the same as above, so anyone can drop me a line if they feel like it! Later gators...
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