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Copyright © 2004
Russell W. Behne
All rights reserved.

How to start your own nursery

Many of our visitors want to know how we did it, how we built our own nursery on a shoestring right in our backyard. Well, it's not that hard, but there are some secrets you should know.

Let me introduce you to a friend of mine, MIKE MCGROARTY. Mike lives in Ohio, and he's the fellow that taught me how to build and run a nursery. He's really an O.K. guy! I went up to Perry Ohio to meet Mike in his backyard nursery some time ago, but you don't have to do that to learn how you can be sucessful in this business.

Mike publishes his ``Backyard Growing System'' that tells you everything you need to know. If you took the virtual tour of my backyard nursery you saw some of the steps, but there's a lot of information  you didn't get. Well, it's all in Mike's Backyard Growing System! Everything from taking cuttings to selling the plants. Believe me, there's a lot to know, and Mike really provides lots of important information!

So if you think you'd like to have your own backyard nursery then get Mike's Backyard Growing System! He'll give you all the info you need, and make sure you don't make those common beginner's mistakes that can be so costly. And starting a nursery isn't expensive. Mike shows you how to get free plants! (The kind I like best!)   Just click on this link to get started:

Mike's ``Backyard Growing System''

Feb. 7, 2004
Last Update:
June 8, 2004
Russ Behne
