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Copyright © 2004
Russell W. Behne
All rights reserved.

Potting & Growing

The first step in potting up the plants is carefully pulling them from the propagating medium. We then rinse the roots with a weak solution containing fertilizer to promote root and foilage growth. 

Then we drop the rooted cuttings into pots that have been partly filled with potting soil, then we top it off with more potting soil on top of the roots.

Next the plant is centered, and the mix is gently firmed just enough to hold the plant. Then we top dress with a slow-release fertilizer.

We use a professional soil-less potting mix that is very lightweight until the water is added, so it's easy for anybody to carry three featherweight pots with each hand into the field to be lined up with the others.

Potted plants need frequent watering, and we have plenty of pots! Here Marie is watering a few of our newly potted Golden Euonymus. Shown behind Marie are about 288 Burning Bush plants, and directly in front of her is about 200 of over 1,000 Golden Euonymus that we cloned in June and July. Beyond them are Rose of Sharon and Border Forsythia. We will shear them frequently and let them grow until next Spring, when they'll be ready for you.


Next: The finished product

Feb. 7, 2004
Last Update:
June 8, 2004
Russ Behne
