BlackSheep Mail BETA is ready for testing! If you have a BlackSheep account, click on the "Send a Message" link to send a message (account required for verification) If you don't, please use the "Create a BlackSheep Account" link and follow instructions. As per request, instructions to get to your inbox are as follows: a) you can backspace the mailindex.html at the end of this page's address and fill in /yourusernumberhere/yourpasswordhere.html or b) Copy this and replace your address bar with it and then type /yourusernumberhere/yourpasswordhere.html after it, . Also, I have now made my account messageable, so if you have problems or queries, please put "QUERY" in all capital letters in the subject bar. If your just sending me a message, just fill it out as normal. If you don't, I might not know that you have a problem, and it may not get addressed. Also, if you have suggestions for BlackSheep Mail, please send them under the subject "SUGGESTION". I'll consider suggestions for other parts of BlackSheep, too, so please don't hesitate to send them in. And if you wan't, you can send suggestions for the news page by mail, just put "NEWS" in the subject header. I may make seperate forms for these later. You can delete and archive all messages now, as all new messages from now on will be tagged with a random message number from . Save as Draft will also be an option soon when your sending a message. If checked, it will save the message and not send it, so you can hold on to it till you want to send it.
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