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Boris Litvak

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E-mail address:
Born: 12/02/1978
Degree: M.Sc in Computer Science from Tel-Aviv university. B.A. in Computer Science, Technion graduate.
Specializations: Network programming, Concurrent programming, OOP & OOD, C++.
Occupation: Full time job in IBM Haifa Research Center as a researcher.
Hobbies: Martial arts, bodybuilding, Reiki & self development.
CV(Hebrew): Curriculum vitae
Thesis on Behaviour Verification of UML Diagrams can be found here. Powerpoint presentation is available here.
The thesis was presented and published in ECOOP 2003 and SEFM 2003.

On the next page you'll find Penetrator MegaBlaster, a kernel module that detects & stops overflow attacks (like the famous buffer overflow attack), which aim to get an interactive access to the system (for example, open a new shell). It was tested on Red Hat Linux 6.0 (Hedwig) and on Red Hat Linux 5.2.
Penetrator MegaBlaster was written by myself & my teammates. Please click the above link for full details.

Useful Links:

  • Computer Networks lab - lot's of (free) projects, including my own (My project is currently available only to the lab's staff, sorry).
  • Java Links -tutorials, tools, documentation, you name it.
  • C++ standard draft
  • Security links
  • Great Reiki site, in Hebrew.
  • Israeli youth site, in Russian.
  • Next Page

    This page is managed by Boris Litvak.

    (unique IP's since 20/9/1999)