Hello everyone, and welcome to this page. In this page you shall witness the horrific demise of the Sanny Hut. Please do not be alarmed for this is all real and not fake. No one was hurt in the making of this documentry...yea...anyways, here is the story bit by bit with pictures to help you along the way:
Matt and I prepare for the demise of this atrocious Sanny Hut by making disguises, this picture shows an example
We head over to the sani hut, and find out that it is just to watery inside, so we decide to put loads of toliet paper in it
We achieve some flower fire works and lite them. We then proceed to throw them on the toliet paper which is in the porto potty
The Flower IGNITES immiting showers of sparks all around the sani hut. It sets the toliet paper on fire. The piture on the left shows it very well, the other 2 were pictures taken in a panic to get the hell out of there!