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Magic Items

Here are some magic items for Your adventures

-Short Sword of Flame: Adds 1d3 fire damage to an attack. Grants a 20% resistance to magical and non-magical fires.

-Dagger of Death: This weapon is a dagger +1. When it first strikes a creature, there is a 1% chance of killing the creature. This chance increases by one percent each time it strikes a creature. When the percentile roll is successfully made against a creature, that creature must make a fortitude check (DC 20) or die. Anytime a creature makes a saving throw, the dagger's chance to kill a creature reduces down to 1% again.

-Longsword of the Paladin: This special longsword acts as a sword +1. In the hands of a paladin, it is a sword +3. This sword gives all paladins +2 to all their skills, as well as granting a 30 ft circle of protection. It also has a 30% chance of negating all detrimental spells which target the paladin.

-Warhammer of Crushing: This is a warhammer +2. Whenever it strikes a creature wearing armor and causes damage, the armor must make a fortitude save (DC 15) or shatter.

-Armour of Symbiosis: This suit of armor appears to be a normal leather suit. It can found in suits in suitable sizes for Large Medium or Small creatures. However, when worn, it molds itself to fit the contours of the creature that wears it, covering that creature from head to toe. The armor is forest green when worn. It grants a +3 to the creatures AC and can be worn under other armors. Unfortunately, this armor causes a -2 to all charisma checks. In addition, a Limited Wish or a Wish can only remove the armor. It assumes the form of leather armor if the creature wearing it dies.

-Shield of Smiting: This medium shield grants a +2 to all shield bash attempts. It does an additional 1d6 extra damage per smite. It also knocks creatures back 10 ft. on a successful hit.

-Short sword of Reach: This short sword is unusually light. It functions as a short sword +1. However, when the proper command word is utilized, the sword can extend in length. It can extend from its normal length up to twenty feet. When the command word is spoken again, the sword returns to its original length.

-Ring of Never-Sleep: This ring appears to be a high quality piece of gold jewelry. When worn, the wearer feels that they have no need to sleep. They can stay awake all the time and are still fine. However, when the ring is removed, the wearer immediately collapses into a deep sleep for 3d4 hours. When the character wakes, they suffer a -2 to all saves, -1 to all attack roles and armor class for the next twelve hours.