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What is Hoosier Fest?

    Hoosier Fest is often a spontaneous event where locals gather to assault and mollest fellow participants in numerous ways.  Underwear is normally removed, people are hog-tied and assaulted with gardening tools, and currently, urine is being incorporated into the festivities.  It is often an annual event, and usuall takes place within the vacinity of the Carnie residence.   

But why? 

    No one knows for sure, but it is thought that such fests bring joy to the hoosier community, and at the same time bring sexual pleasure to some of the participants (David Carnie).

How can I join?

    Due to the fact that Hoosier Fest is often spontaneous and unplanned, the only way to participate in a Hoosier Fest is to just be in the right place at the right time.  But like Mr. Bickel, you can often join a Hoosier Fest just by following the screams and cries for help from participants being assaulted.