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/ Guimbal Church Moro Wacthtowers Guimbal Steel Bridge / Public Plaza / New Municipal Building / Spanish Archbridge / Ayaw-ayaw Monument /

Historical Sites and Landmark


 Guimbal Church

The newly restored 400 year old church made of yellow adobe and coral stones, one of the oldest in the country.



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Moro Watchtowers -

Originally, there are four structures located in different sites along the shoreline area in the poblacion. Only three are still intact and renovated to its original condition through the Department  of Tourism. These are the 17th Century structures used as look-out for raiding Moro pirates. Like the church, it was also constructed through force labor.

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Guimbal Steel Bridge -

Constructed during the American period. The construction was ordered by US President Roosevelt. It is approximately 0.350 kilometers long and made of Pittsburgh Steel, which were imported from Virginia, USA. It is the longest steel bridge in Western Visayas.

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  Public Plaza -

Known for its beautiful ornamental plants and landscapes, the plaza is described by many as the little Luneta of southern Iloilo. It is well-maintained and well-lighted at night. It can be likened to a European labyrinth.

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  New Municipal Building -

Guimbal’s symbol of public service, the new municipal building houses local and national government offices in the municipality. It is branded by many as the “Parthenon of Western Visayas.” In front of the Athenian conceived open coliseum and an amphitheatre whe re cultural shows, programs, sports, activities, and public gatherings are held. One can experience being in the golden age of history just walking around.

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  Spanish Archbridge -

A short bridge constructed during the Spanish colonial period. It is commonly known as “Taytay Tigre” because of the tiger stone structure made part of its approaches  on both sides guarding the bridge before one enters the poblacion. It was reconstructed through donation from a veteran Guimbalanon.

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   Ayaw-ayaw Monument -

Situated on a hill, near Nahapay Elementary School. It is life size replica of one of our heroes, Andres Bonifacio, father of Philippine Revolution standing proud with his bolo on his right hand. Ayaw-ayaw is a word that signifies opposition from anything or anyone. The monument was erected on the site where early American soldiers met resistance from revolutionaries. It is a symbol of bravery, a manifestation of our deep love for true freedom and independence shown by our revolutionaries who resisted foreign dominion.


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